Chapter 23: The Abduction

Start from the beginning

    Vansh became speechless after hearing the two women in front of him. It is truly said a woman is enough to make you speechless in any condition. Right then Mr. Vansh Raisinghania was experiencing something of that sort. 

    Vansh took a deep breath to calm himself and forgot about whatever he heard a minute ago and then he put life to the engine and drove them back to their house silently.

    It was around 11.30 p.m. Riddhima received a call. 

    "Why do you call me at night only?", she asked out of curiosity. 

    "Maybe because I need some peace and serenity in my life.", the person replied. 

    "Come back to the point. You have some motive to call me. So now speak out.", she replied.

    "Fine. Ritu and you will be ready at 12 noon tomorrow, after she finishes her entrance examination. I'll be giving treats to Ritu and as per her wish you will be joining us. Just called you to inform.", Vansh said. 

    "Ok. Good night.", Riddhima hung up the call. 

    Vansh couldn't even get a chance to wish her back. 

    He sighed and smirked while muttering to himself, "See you tomorrow, sweetheart."

21st of May:

     Vansh was waiting outside the main gate of Rathi house for the two lovely ladies. Being about 15 minutes late, they came out with smiling faces. 

    "Get in.", Vansh said while opening two doors for them. 

    Vansh signalled his guards to follow them.

    They reached a luxurious mall. The guide directed Vansh and the two ladies towards the VIP lounge where shareholders of that company were only allowed to visit. 

    Vansh placed himself on a relaxing sofa and asked the two ladies to choose whatever they liked. 

    Ritu, happily and excitedly, held Riddhima's hand and dragged her to the gown section.

    Riddhima really liked some of the designs and style. She turned the price tag and gasped an amount of air at seeing it. As usual, she placed it where it belonged, because it was known to her that she could never afford this type of luxury in her life. 

    Riddhima came to this mall before with her mother but not in the VIP lounge rather in the common area. 

     So, she went to Ritu and told her that she really liked a shop two floors down and was going there. It was received happily by Ritu, who immediately then focused on selecting a gown for herself.

    Riddhima took the elevator and reached the shop she went to before and the price over there was quite affordable to her. She selected four or five stuff and went to the trial room.

    An hour passed, Vansh came to the direction where he left the two ladies to shop. 

    He saw Ritu in the purse section, went to her and asked about Riddhima. 

    "She went to her favourite shop two floors down.", Ritu said casually while choosing the purse. 

    Vansh got alerted, he signalled his guards to find her out. 

    After appointing two guards for Ritu, he himself went two floors down and started searching. 

    Vansh stopped when he saw some movements of unknown faces, and immediately alerted his guards, over the phone, who were waiting outside the mall.

    Riddhima came out of the trial room and asked the shopkeeper to pack a gown she chose. 

    After paying them, she was coming back to take the elevator but while walking she heard a group of men gossiping among themselves, "There she is. Jr. Sultan will reward us today." 

    Riddhima got nervous and she started walking fast. In order to escape the danger she sensed, she chose the staircase. Getting panicked, she started going down the staircase trying to get out of the mall so that she could run for her life.

    While running, Riddhima exited the mall through the emergency door which was at the back side of the mall. 

    Riddhima collided with a hard chest of a man and he immediately sprayed chloroform very much in her nostrils. 

    She held her head trying to figure out what was happening but it was too late and she passed out. The men put her in the car and drove away.

    Vansh went to the security room to check the CCTV footage. 

    It took him 15 minutes to figure out Riddhima's location in the mall. 

    The moment he saw the video of Riddhima's abduction, without wasting time, he took the elevator and reached Ritu, held her hand tightly and dragged her to exit the mall. 

    While she was confused and repeatedly asked him, "What happened, Bhai? Where is Riddhima?" 

    But she refrained from getting an answer from him. 

    Placing her inside the car, Vansh signalled the guards to come along and he himself drove away in the car to drop Ritu at her house at first. 

    They came in front of Rathi house. Vansh told Ritu to go inside the house and strictly advised her not to go out. 

    "Where is Riddhima? You didn't answer me.", Ritu asked, being tense. 

    "Don't worry. Let me drive back home, I'll inform you. Now go inside. I don't have much time.", Vansh said in a stern tone. 

    Ritu hesitantly followed his order.

    "Chacha, they got Riddhima.", Kabir informed Sultan. 

    "How do you know?", Sultan enquired. 

    "They messaged me that Riddhima was a foot away from them.", Kabir said. 

    "Then get ready for the marriage. The moment they bring her you are getting married to her by law.", Sultan declared. 

    "I'm waiting, Chacha. She is the fantasy.", Kabir said, closing his eyes while sitting on a relaxed sofa.

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