Chapter 12: A Gullible Riddhima

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Readers need to go through previous chapters to find the connections, otherwise this chapter will become meaningless to you.....




    Vansh's glass of water broke into hundreds of pieces as he tightened his grip as he watched the scene in the park, which John was showing to him on video call. 

   "I want all the information about that bastard. Did you get it, John?", Vansh said with impudence. 

   "Yes, Boss", John replied.

   Riddhima was still sinking in thoughts about what just happened now. Shrugging off all uncomfortable situations for her she got up to get back to home. Coming back to home she drank a bottle of water in apprehension. 

   Ritu asked her about her wealth as she sensed the restlessness in Riddhima. 

   "Yeah, I am fine. It's just that I was thirsty and forgot to take a water bottle with me.", Riddhima replied with an excuse. 

   Ritu nodded her head and went towards her room for her entrance preparation.

   "Boss, here it is.", Angre said, handing a file to Vansh in his office cabin. 

   Vansh took it and was going through it keenly, "Good job, Angre. So, that bastard is Kabir Ahmed, nephew of Sultan. Interesante muy interesante!", Vansh said with a sinister smirk.

   "Angre, what about those rascals who were trying to click and videograph Riddhima?", Vansh asked, looking at Angre's eyes. 

   "Boss, they were men of Sultan, who were sent to click and videograph ma'am so that the shooter in the park could recognize her easily. As they were his men, so I didn't hostage them. What if Sultan Ahmed gets to know of our presence behind ma'am.", Angre replied with some important information. 

   "I crushed his wish into a trillion pieces, Sultan must be sad, what do you think, Angre?", Vansh said, playing with the paperweight. 

  "Boss, Sultan will have a tough time from now onwards. He is nowhere in front of you. We will crush him in the mixer grinder if he tries to harm ma'am in any way.", Angre said looking at Vansh. 

  "Angre, I want you to gift a smartphone to Riddhima.", Vansh said while going through the file again. 

   Angre got flummoxed by Vansh's statement and he stammered while saying, "But, Boss, how can I do such profanity?" 

   "Angre, each and every move of mine is for some reason so dare to deny.", Vansh stated looking at the files. 

   "Sorry, Boss, I got what you want.", Angre replied. 

   Vansh signalled Angre to leave.

    Riddhima searched in her drawer, wardrobe, and side table, but could not find her phone, which she had switched off the day she moved into the Rathi house. 

    After opening her bag, she found her not so luxurious phone lying dead, so she took out the charger and put it back to life. It took almost 3 hours for the phone to charge fully, then she switched it on immediately and kept it aside. 

    Within a couple of minutes her phone rang, the caller ID said "Mr. Lawyer". 

    Riddhima took a deep breath and received it and said in furious, "Hello, why did you bother to call me?" 

   "Miss. Riddhima, I just want to apologise for that day. Actually I have the evidence with me till now which I want to give to you personally as I assume my life is in threat.", he replied. 

   Riddhima composed herself, and said, "I'll talk to uncle then, call you back." 

   "No, Miss. Riddhima, you cannot afford to make any other mistakes. I just want you to come to my home office and take the evidence with you. That's it.", he stated. 

   "Ok fine. I will come tomorrow.", Riddhima assured him. 

   "But, be careful no one should get to know about it. Otherwise, the evidence will again go away from you.", he warned her. 

   "Don't worry about that.", she affirmed and hung up the call.

     Riddhima had dinner alone because Ritu was preparing for her entrance examination and her uncle was late returning home. She was glad that she didn't have to face them, because tomorrow she would be visiting that lawyer and she doesn't want anyone to know about it. Thus, she hit the bed very early so that she could relax herself.

    After getting up in the morning, she excused herself to go to the park for some fresh air and went out of the house. She stopped an auto, got into it, and ordered the driver to drop her off at that lawyer's. 

    Riddhima came to his home in about 45 minutes. She was hell nervous, but quickly went inside the main gate and asked the guard the whereabouts of that lawyer. He signalled her to go in and so she did. 

   "Oh! Miss. Riddhima, I guess you are quite fast today. I didn't expect you to come to me this early.", the lawyer made a witty remark. 

   "Let's get to the point. Give the evidence. As you said yesterday.", Riddhima stated with a stern face. 

   "Oh, Miss. Sexy, why are you always in a hurry?", he said while his eyes were roaming around her body. 

   Riddhima got cautious with the statement and got up from the chair in a blink of an eye to run towards the door, but alas! It had already been locked.

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