"What would you even do with those omegas? I thought you just wanted Taehyung. " Yerin asked, but Yuta just smiled at her.

"I never said I only wanted Taehyung. I said I wanted an omega for me, and Taehyung was the only one I knew about. " The True Blood said and passed a small bottle to Yerin.

"What is this?" Yerin asked, confusedly inspecting the bottle in her hands.

"The drug I promised you about. Make Jungkook drink this and make sure he doesn't go near any unmated wolf or his omega mate. " Yuta said, making Yerin look at him shockingly.

"Why are you giving me this now?" Yerin asked and got a smirk from the True Blood.

"Because this is the last time we would be talking like this. "


"Koo, leave it. It is started to pain now. "  Taehyung whined, making the True Blood pout, and remove his face from the omega's bump. It was a few minutes after Jungkook returned to the room when Taehyung woke up, complaining about their baby's kicks being way too strong, but the older looked quite happy with it.

"You're mean, baby. " Jungkook pouted, caressing the omega's bump softly, when he felt another kick, making Taehyung wince in pain.

"Try carrying them, then you would understand how painful it is. " Taehyung said, glaring at the True Blood, who was busy grinning, softly drawing random circles on the omega's belly.

"If I had facilities, I would have. " Jungkook said, making Taehyung look at him with an unbelievable expression. 


"If I would be a girl, then it means you would be the one topping me, and it means you could've seen me being pregnant, no?" Jungkook smirked and got a pillow thrown over his face. Imagining Jungkook with a bump was funny and creepy at the same time for Taehyung.

"Shut up! Don't make me imagine something like that. " Taehyung said, turning towards the other side, but Jungkook held him kissing his cheek while laughing.

"Adorable. " Jungkook commented, giggling, making Taehyung chuckle with him too.

But their moment was cut short with sudden knocking on the door, making Jungkook leave the omega with a sigh. He opened the door and met Seokjin standing with a tray having the omega's breakfast. The alpha smiled before walking past the True Blood. "I hope I didn't disturb anything. " Jin smirked, looking at the pouting True Blood, and Taehyung smiling sheepishly at him.

"Nope. You were just in time, hyung. " Taehyung said.

"And oh, alpha had demanded your presence in the meeting hall, Jungkook. " Jin smiled, and with a huff, Jungkook grabbed a random shirt to put over his naked torso and pecking Taehyung's lips once, he went out of the room, shutting the door behind.

"So did Jungkook say something?" Jin asked, looking at the omega with expectant eyes, making the younger confused.

"Like wh-ouch!" Taehyung winced in pain, feeling those kicks again, which were powerful and painful for him.

"What's wrong? Should I call Sehun?" Jin asked, panicking and getting up from his seat to rush out, but Taehyung held him, caressing his bump.

"The pups had started to kick, but it's painful for me. " Taehyung replied, pouting softly, making Jin relieved.

"I got scared. " Jin said and ruffled Taehyung's hair before bending down to feel the movement.

"Oh!" Jin opened his eyes wide at the sudden kick, and indeed it was stronger than he expected.

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