Training With Misaki

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Here you guys go! Hope you enjoy! Also I'm sorry if it's to short. I'm trying to make as much as I can so I can still keep you peeps interested in it! Also I don't own FT!

(Juvia P.O.V)
After Juvia went on Misaki-san's back, she flew off. Juvia felt free for the first time in forever (Don't you dare sing it! )

After a couple of minutes, Misaki-san stopped at a river that has a waterfall going down. "Ok Juvia, we are going to start by standing on those rocks in the river...."

Misaki said pointing to the rocks on the river that make a bridge to get across "and practice bending water before I teach you Dragon Slayer magic." Juvia nodded.

"Does Juvia have to wear this?" Juvia asked pointing to her outfit. "Change into a bathing suit." Juvia goes to her case and takes out her purple swimsuit with white polka dots. She sighed sadly. This brings up to much memories for Juvia -she thought.

(Normal P.O.V)
"Are you ready Juvia?" Misaki asked. Juvia nodded. After they got in the river they started bending the water and passing it to each other.

"Ok, Juvia. I want you to take deep breaths and calm yourself so you can practice for the Water Dragons Roar!" Juvia did exactly as she was told. "Now I want you to keep repeating 'Roar of The Water Dragon'. Got it?" She asked nicely.

After a while of practicing, Misaki told Juvia to start trying out the roar. Juvia took a deep breath and yelled "Roar of The Water Dragon!" After she did only a little came out of her mouth. Misaki clapped.

"Good job Juvia! Thats a good way to start off!" Juvia just stared at her -_-. "What's wrong?" "Juvia thinks this to difficult." Misaki laughed "You'll get used to it. Now keep on practicing, just take it nice and slow." Juvia sighed. She kept practicing and eventually she could do it perfectly. "Now time for the fun to start!" Misaki grinned mischievously. Juvia gulped.

Again I'm so sorry it's to short! But hey. Would you rather have some short interesting chapters or 1 big chapter that will take 1 week to update! Anyways bye-bye and plz follow and etc.

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