Fun Facts

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Just a compilation of fun facts from this story that you may have not noticed, or that may help you realize some stuff you didn't notice before:




1. The one who made the train malfunction during team Natsu's trip to the old town was Nasha herself. She made the train malfunction cause she is a dragon slayer. If she were to be seen suffering from motion sickness, her friends may suspect who her real father was.


2. The fake name that Nasha used to trick her friends is 'Angelane Shard'. However, if you rearrange the letters of that name in a certain way, they will actually spell her true name: 'Nasha Dragneel'.


3. During their time at the old town, Nasha was able to locate the entrance to Poison Fang's underground lair thanks to her dragon slayer nose. That's why she wanted to go alone in search of it, because she was afraid her friends may find out who her father was.


4. Even though the version of Lucy in this story doesn't have the Star Dress skill yet, her future self does have it. And she taught such skill to Nasha in the future. That is why the pinkette girl can use it too.


5. The evil version of Nasha spend nearly 5000 days rewinding time. If you pass that to years, she probably spent more than 13 years trying to change the future. That's why she is so mentally broken and miserable.


6. Nasha and her evil self really did die at the end of this story. However, since they managed to avoid the dark seed from destroying the world, they created another timeline in which the dark seed no longer exists. In other words, they created a timeline where another Nasha will live happily along her friends.


7. If it wasn't left clear already, the 'special person' who Nasha talks about during the sleepover she had at Lucy's house... is none other than Greige Fullbuster, son of Juvia Lockser and Gray Fullbuster.


8. By the end of this story, everyone at the guild knows that Lucy and Natsu are meant to be together. However, they also know they must keep the secret hidden and act normally about it, at least until their love flourishes.


9. The ragged yellow cloth Nasha used as belt during the entire story is the same yellow cloth Natsu uses as part of his outfit. He gave that cloth to his daughter in the future as a lucky charm.


10. If you remember, Nasha experiences a terrible pain on her body after Natsu is crushed to death by a giant rock. This happens because Nasha is Natsu's daughter. And since Natsu died at that very moment, she was slowly vanishing from existence as well. Luckily, she rewinded time and saved Natsu from dying before it was too late.


11. Nasha knows 2 types of magic: both of her parents' magics. That's why she is just as much of a celestial mage as she is a fire dragon slayer. However, she never uses her dragon slayer magic until the very end of the story, this is because her friends could've realize who her father was after seeing her use fire magic.


12. As a result of being the daughter of a dragon slayer, Nasha belongs to the 6th generation of dragon slayers: a generation I invented for this story...

- The 1st generation learns their magic from dragons.

- The 2nd generation obtains their magic from lacrimas inside their bodies.

- The 3rd generation knows magic from dragons and also from lacrimas.

- The 4th generation are artificial dragon slayers who appeared in the 'Dragon Cry' movie.

- The 5th generation obtains their magic by eating dragon flesh, they debuted in the '100 Years Quest' manga.

- And finally, the 6th generation inherits their magic from their dragon slayer parents.


13. This entire story takes place after the Grand Magic Games, but before the Neo Eclipse arc where the celestial spirits turn evil. In other words, this whole story happens way before the events of the Tartaros arc as well.




That's all! Thanks for reading this fanfic!!!

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