Chapter 22: The Future Ahead

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Lucy POV

It took a very long time, but Natsu and I had finally found our way out of Poison Fang's laboratory, and reunited with our friends on the battlefield. Besides just that however, my pinkette friend and I startled when we noticed a very huge golden beam of light being shot straight from the laboratory all the way up to the already orange sky of the sunset.

"What the...?! What on earth of that?!" Natsu asked childishly as I sweat-drop.

"We were hoping you would know" Erza replied as she then asked us where Angelane was.

"W-we... We don't know" I muttered with a troubled face. "She left to take care of the matter herself, but I don't know whether she's okay"

At that very moment, we turned around as a whole bunch of small dark monsters tried to attack us, only to be frozen in place in an instant. "You're welcome, flamehead" Gray said as Natsu twitched in anger.

"I got that, Ice Princess!" Natsu replied as Erza and I sweat-dropped yet again.

"Save it for later" Erza said. "Let us finish this once and for all. We still have some cleaning to do"

Natsu and I nodded firmly as we joined our friends in the battle against the remaining demon creatures. It's true that the dark energy of the dark seed had vanished entirely, but we still couldn't let our guard down. Without mentioning we had no idea of what that light beam hitting the sky even was.


Nasha POV

I panted heavily in exhaustion while standing firmly and staring at my other 'me', who lied defeated and bare naked on the ground. I knew I couldn't leave her like that despite of how much bad she may have caused so far. So as I slowly neared her and kneeled closer, I took off the green loincloth of my Aquarius form outfit, and placed it over her so that she could cover herself.

"There... It's not much, but at least it'll cover your chest" I muttered while staring at her with a longing expression.

In return, she looked back at me with teary eyes as she took a seat with the piece of cloth on her. "I... I never expected and ending like this... to happen" she muttered while facing downwards. "That dark power... The dark seed. Th-that... That wasn't me... I could not... control myself" She started letting out tears as I couldn't help but to feel pity for her.

"Other 'me'..."

At that very moment however, my gaze switched to the dark seed still lying right next to us. And then, I turned around and exalted when a weird-shaped portal appeared out of nowhere as a door between dimensions. It was... a way out of there. A way back home...

"O-other 'me'... It's time to..."

"Leave" my other self interrupted while cutting me off. "Just... Just leave this place already" She then laid down once again while covering her face in shame with her arm. "You were right. I... I didn't think there was a way. But you proved me wrong. Now go"

At that moment, my counterpart and I turned to face the seed containing Yaotzin's power, and noticed it was starting glow more and more, letting out energy as well as a bright purple light. "Wh-what is...?"

"Looks like time is up"

"Ah? Up? What do you mean?"

"I told you before, didn't I? If the dark seed is not planted underground in time, it will explode along with the entire world" I widened my eyes in shock. "Of course that doesn't matter anymore. As long as it explodes here, Earthland will be safe. So just go ahead. Leave me here and go home"

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