Chapter 14: Lucy VS. Uzach

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Uzach POV

<<Some time earlier>>

The plan had started at last. Neither the new master nor any of us had the slightest idea of how Fairy Tail even found us to begin with. But now that it was done, there was nothing we could do regarding that, except fight back.

Without thinking twice, the new master sent Virami to gather with both Kiest and the ex-master Jonas. I assume because they were the ones tasked with getting rid of the enemy once and for all. However, I just couldn't stay here doing nothing! Specially not knowing that the pink-haired moron who defeated me last time was also there... along with that stupid blonde mage!

And so, I immediately stood up from the bed I was resting over, and ripped apart the many bandages covering my body. I just didn't need them anymore, because now, the feeling of revenge was all what I needed in order to keep fighting. "Master!" I yelled while getting close to her. "Send me to the battle! I will stomp those idiots one by one!"

"Oh? Are you sure about that?" the master replied with a smirk. "Your body is still not recovered. And besides, you don't have your sword with you any longer"

"Heh! As if I were to need those things! I'm done playing nice with these idiots of Fairy Tail! From now on, I'll go all out!"

The master remained pensive while looking at me. But then suddenly, she took a long sigh and finally nodded in agreement with my idea. "Very well... Go ahead and do what you gotta do" she finally said as I smirked devilishly, knowing it was time to crush the idiots who humiliated me last time.


Lucy POV

<<Present time>>

"You?! How are you here?! Natsu defeated you!" I bluntly yewd as I faced the half-demon man who Natsu defeated last time.

"Tch! Yeah, that idiot of the flames left me quite bad during our last fight" he grunted in fury. "If it wasn't for him, you would be dead right now. But then again..."




"He isn't here right now, is he?"




Oh no... I didn't like where this was going.

I widened my eyes in fear as Loke then told me to stay behind him. He was planning to fight that guy on his own, but I... I just couldn't allow that! Last time they fought, he was defeated easily by him!

Oh, damn it... Natsu... Where are you?

"Okay! Time to kill you!" the man suddenly roared while rushing towards me at great speed.

Loke didn't think twice about it and jumped into the fight as well. For a long time, both mages exchanged blow after blow without being able to knock each other down. Then, my spirit readied one of his powerful regulus punches and aimed it directly at his opponent's face. However, this last one simply dodged the attack with relative ease, and took a hold of Loke by his arm.

"Get out of my way, you idiot!" yelled the demonic man. "It's not you who I want, so just piss off!"

With an unnatural strength typical of demons, the man threw Loke towards the back of the hallway, making him retreat quite a long distance and for just the right amount of time for him to switch his gaze to me.

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