Chapter 12: The Prelude

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Lucy POV

Levy, Angelane, our master and I were finally back to our guild after our short trip to the city of Crocus. Over the course of that time, Warren invaded our prisoner's mind and discovered that the Poison Fang guild was in possession of a hidden side-laboratory. A lab which was located somewhere in a northern wasteland of Fiore.

Everything was settled. Master Makarov made sure to send princess Hisui the location of our enemy. Natsu, Gray, Erza and the rest of my friends were getting ready to leave and psyching up for the final battle. But I, however, was actually inside the guild's library, checking up some books and investigating about a matter that was still coursing through my mind...

Project Yaotzin...

I was sure that there was a hidden meaning to the name of Poison Fang's evil dark plan. I just had to find out what exactly it was. And so, here I am now...

"Mmmh... Let's see..." I muttered as I read the titles of the books piled over the shelves... after another...

"'The Secrets of Elemental Type Magic' This one has a nice title, but it's not what I'm looking for"


"'The Basics of Magic for Dummies' Nope... Not what I'm looking for either"


"Oh! A catalog encyclopedia about celestial keys! I might need to read this one later"


"Mmmh... Ah? What's this one? A book about dragons, dragon slayer magic, and dragon slayers in general? Wow, this could've come in handy a long time ago. But I'm already used to hanging out with Natsu so... I don't think I'll ever need to read it" (Author's spoiler: she did need it XD. Check my story about Dragon Slayer Mating Season to find out). "Anyway... on to the next one"

At that moment, I finally found what I was looking for.

"Aha! Here it is! A book about mythology and mysteries of Earthland!"

That's right... 'Yaotzin' was in fact a very curious word if you ask me, and I was sure it had to do something with the myths and legends of the world. In any case, this book was the only source I had to find out more about it. And luckily, it didn't disappoint at all.

With Levy's special pair of magical reading glasses, I took no time in reading almost the entire book. So it didn't take long either before I finally found the info I was looking for.

"Yaotzin... the god of hell and... death?" I read as my skin tensed up in shock. "A powerful deity more similar to a devil than any other thing. It's an ancient demon from centuries ago whose power was big enough to rival the one of Zeref's strongest demons... Wait... Zeref? Oh no..."

This was bad... This was really bad...

I mean... I still had no idea whether that deity from legend had anything to do with the actual project Yaotzin of the Poison Fang dark guild. But the mere mention of Zeref's name in all of this was enough to make me widen my eyes in shock and fear yet again.


Angelane POV

The hiding spot of Poison Fang was finally discovered. We learned that the dark guild had an emergency gathering place just in case their main lair was somehow destroyed or found by the magic counsel. And such place was actually a hidden laboratory located at a northern wasteland of Fiore.

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