Chapter 21: Nasha VS. Nasha (Part 2)

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Erza POV

The battlefield had turned all chaotic all of a sudden. Many of those demonic creatures from Poison Fang have gathered together and were now attacking all of my guild while we tried desperately to fight back. Were were all totally immersed into the fight, trying to survive and protect each other at all cost. But to our surprise, a sudden big golden beam of light was then shot straight from the inside of the lab, reaching all the way to the sky.

"What the hell is that?" asked Gray in surprise as the dark energy we felt from inside the lab vanished out of nowhere, meaning only one thing...

"They... did it..." I muttered. "The dark energy is gone. I think they destroyed the seed!"

Everyone startled in shock and happiness at my words. But apparently, there were still a few people who were not totally sure about my declaration. "I wonder if that's it" our master muttered in doubt.


"The dark energy may be gone, but we can not let our guard down. Not until the fight is totally over"

At that moment, the battle resumed as a full pack of those demon experiments jumped over us, ready to kill. Luckily however, we were saved by none other than princess Hisui's awaited back-up: a full pack of royal soldiers commanded by none other than the knight Arcadios. Seems like they had all took their time in arriving here. But at least we finally had a decent chance against the demon army-like group.

"Royal knights!" Arcadios yelled. "ATTACK!"

"Fairy Tail!" our master said this time. "ATTACK!"

Everyone rushed to fight as one, working together and unleashing our best magics to attain victory at all cost. We could do it. We really could win!




BUT... even with this... there was one thing I could not get out of mind no matter how hard I tried.

Natsu... Lucy... Angelane... Hope you are okay...


Nasha POV

"STAR DRESS!!! LEO FORM!!!" I yelled firmly as a stunning golden light covered me entirely, changing my outfit into the a beautiful long black dress with a few specs of yellow. "Very well, other 'me'. If you won't listen to me, I'll have to make you listen!"

My other self rushed to attack me again. But I had something ready to counter her. I moved aside just a bit and dodge the attack only to charge light all around my fist.

"Regulus Nasha Punch!" I landed a powerful hit on my opponent's face.

Such was the power of my attack that she was sent flying way in pain. However, she then quickly rolled over and stood up again while smirking at me. "That was a nice punch" she said confidently. "But unfortunately not good enough!" She then rushed to me again ready to attack as I charged light on my feet this time.

"Regulus Nasha Kick!"

I tried kicking away my other self, but it was her the one dodge this time with ease while aiming to hit me. "Demonic Fire Dragon's Flame Elbow!" I used both of my arms to block the great attack, but the shockwave produced by it sent me away in a mere instant. Though it wasn't like I was defeated yet.

"How about this?!" Taking out another golden key, I extended my hand with it and changed my outfit in a great flash. "STAR DRESS! SCORPIO FORM!" I landed on the ground and kneeled over it. Then, I propelled myself with my feet and appeared in front of my demonic counterpart in the blink of an eye, unleashing a barrage of instantaneous punches and kicks all over her.

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