Chapter 3: The Hidden Town Guild

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Angelane POV

Okay then... Where should I start?


It all started one fated bright day in which my dear friends and I were having fun all of us together...

Doing jobs from the quest board...

Chilling around at the guild hall...

Enjoying drinks together...

And also speaking about some other stuff like... Well... You know... Typical teenager stuff.

What is more, our parents were also crazy busy with their own affairs like helping out with the guild's chores and also a couple of difficult S-Class missions which only great mages were allowed to take on.

However, even with how well prepared we were supposed to be for any kind of crisis that could possibly happen, it really didn't take long for all of it to turn upside down in the most of unexpected ways.

And by that, I mean that everything went straight to hell when hundreds... thousands... or maybe even millions of demonic-like creatures appeared out of nowhere, causing destruction, creating havoc, and also taking innocent lives away as if it was some kind of sadistic child's game.

In nothing more than 2 days, the entire city of Magnolia was in total ruins... and in just one mere week, the hellish monsters from before had actually managed to spread all over the central part of Fiore while rampaging everything in their way.

But that wasn't all there was to it...

Lots of my dear friends lost their lives in the terrible tragedy, leaving the Fairy Tail guild's member count to only a fifth of what it was before.

Then, almost one month after that, we did in fact end up learning some other crucial piece of information about nothing else than the origin of those sadistic beasts that appeared out of nowhere.

Turns out they were actually the product of a devilish cursed seed that was planted almost 25 years ago by a not very famous dark guild, somewhere nearby and old abandoned town located at the north zone of Fiore.

And well... The rest can be easily deduced.

Since my mom was one of the greatest, if not THE greatest, celestial mage in existence, she aided quite a lot in the restoration of the Eclipse Gate that would be used to send me back in time in order to save the future.


"And so, here I am now" I finally muttered after finishing my story, to which every single one of the people around couldn't help but to display faces full of shock and sadness.

"How... terrible" Lucy muttered back while still in surprise.

"So, that is how things turn out in the future" Erza claimed this time with a frustrated expression.

"To think we would all end up dying" Gray added while clenching his fists, only to startle me slightly later. "Angelane, tell me... Who exactly from our friends are still alive in the future?"

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