Director Part 1

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When I woke up, Arthur'd still been sleeping. Still sleeping like a log, I see. Well, since I'm already up, I might as well sneak- I mean, make my way to the backyard and train for a bit. I slipped on some new clothes and jumped out of the window.

"Now, let's see what we can do without leveling the manor, shall we?"

'Sir, yes sir. Our magic might be a bit much for the manor- actually, probably all of Xyrus, so let's stick to combat arts, eh? Not the Martial King Style, because that's also too destructive.'

"Alright, alright. Who do you take me for, Arthur? I actually know how to use my brain unlike him, you know. I'm not only hungry to learn like that beast is. But anyway, how about... Ah! Let's mess around with a clean version of the Fire Style!"

'Eh... But ain't fire attribute mana the center piece of the Fire Style? Why get rid of it? And did you seriously just say Arthur's a beast?'

"Are you seriously answering your own questions right now?"


"Okay, then. Now! Let's run it back from the beginning, starting with Blazing Strike!"

Author - Dark/Light

You know, lately the Discord server's been calling me Light, so I've kinda just adopted the name. Call me Dark or Light or even DarkLight, your choice. I know some of you mfs on the discord will call me Senpai Light, so I guess you can call me that too.

But you're curious, eh? Wanna know what in the hell the Fire Style is???


Well, it doesn't matter! You're gonna learn what it is anyway!

The Fire Style is a combat/mana art Jay/I developed which is focused around the Fire element. There are a total of 7 forms, one being an esoteric art exclusive to Jayden(for now, at least), all listed from first to last below:

First Form, Blazing Strike

Second Form, Scorching Sun

Third Form, Twin Dragons Dance

Fourth Form, Purgatory Wall

Fifth Form, Flaming Tiger

Sixth Form, Roaring Dragon

Esoteric Art: Hellfire Rage

Now, obviously at this point, some would question whether there are other Styles for the other elements as well. There indeed are, but we'll get to that some other day.

Anyway, do enjoy the rest of the chapter, friends.

Jayden Leywin

"Whew! I'd say that was a decent training session. What say we get back to the others and endure the torture that is shopping now, huh?"

'Oh, boy, yay. I'm so excited. We get to go shopping.'

C'mon, Ryu. We'll all equally be suffering, so your opinion really doesn't matter.

After I washed up, I made my way downstairs, but was greeted by an adorable Eleanor, who Mother apparently told to wake us up so we could go shopping.

"Tell you what, Eleanor. Let's go wake Arthur up together, yeah? C'mon, I wanna show you something."

Curious, or- happy- I don't frickin' know, she followed me to Arthur's room. When she knocked, the door opened, and I took my chance.

"Comi-" he didn't even stand a chance.

I pushed him onto the floor with Wind magic and then wrapped his legs with Earth magic and then yelled, "Get 'im Ellie! Tickle him!" While simultaneously pouncing on him as well.

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