The Library

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Although I wasn't a King, I was indeed his right hand. I didn't command armies with absolute power, no. I led each and every one of them with discretion, as if they were my own brothers.

Not only was I a representative, I was also the trap that caught the wolf at night, the blade that came from the shadows. I did all the dirty work not fit for the King. I out-dueled every representative when he awasn't fit to do so. I stopped assassination attempts under the cover of the night, where I practically ruled the underworld.

My unique ability to adapt to my opponents' fighting styles was second only to one, this along with my dual blade style made me a force to deal with even against other King's. Power ruled in my old world as well, just like this one, and I had no lack of it.

I could easily go punch for punch, blade for blade against the strongest of fighters and come out victorious. And yet, I have never been more proud.


I'd learned much quicker than Arthur because of my previous experiences, though he wasn't far behind. Do all babies learn this fast?

He would often demonstrate much more mature characteristics, always searching around with his intelligent azure blue eyes, sometimes staring at me as if almost trying to communicate. Is it possible? I mean, it happened to me, so what're the chances he'd also be reincarnated from another world? Maybe even from mine? I never confronted him however, I didn't have enough dirt on him.

Father would frequently sit and talk with us about his adventuring days, which happened to be a profitable profession. His stories ranged from his adventures with his old party into the "Beast Glades," to how he met Mother in a city called Valden.

Although he told us about how Mother fell head over heels for him the moment she laid eyes on him in the Valden Adventurer's Guild, it seemed to be the complete opposite seeing as how Mother slapped the back of his head and told him to stop telling lies.

Although it sounded a bit too cute, I accepted the nickname Jay, after seeing my reflection in the washroom mirror. Just like my brother, Auburn hair with azure blue eyes.

In the time I became able to crawl, I'd snuck into the library, soon joined by my twin. I was absolutely certain he never saw me. The possibility of Arthur's being reborn just keeps increasing.

This eventually led to Mother cursing the day were able to crawl. "I swear, you guys are going to become as hard to deal with as your father."


I closed the encyclopedia I finished reading and laid on my back, pondering the information I'd gained. This world was actually quite underdeveloped, from what I'd read. There's a scarcity of technological advancement, due to people being heavily reliant on magic.

Weapons were permitted just about everywhere, the only exception being in the presence of Royalty or those of Highborn lineage. Hell, people even carried weapons when grocery shopping.

It was actually quite disturbing, as the police back on earth only carried weapons to deter crime, and even then there was hardly any major crime. One time, the two of us witnessed a thief stealing some items only to be absolutely yeeted by the shopkeeper who was wielding a polearm. The people all cheered while the thief was left laying there, bleeding out.

This world's leadership ran as a monarchy, much like my previous world. However, unlike my world's chance to earn the title, the throne was hereditary, passed on from the King to his son. This continent, Dicathen, had three kingdoms, Sapin; ruled by Humans, Elenoir; ruled by the Elves, and Darv; ruled by the Dwarves.

The utter lack of information on any other continents kind of surprised me, though, since ships were invented. My surprise leaving after recognizing the possibility that the ships weren't advanced enough to cross oceans. Wouldn't exactly be surprised then, considering this world's current technology.

The concept of mana was quite different from Ki, however. Superhuman abilities and wielders relied upon by countries on Earth, yet application varied.

Back on Earth, we learned how to absorb and utilize the Ki within our bodies, very similar to using a muscle. Constantly breaking down the energy through exhaustion followed by rest would help the energy pools, the Force Core it was called, to grow stronger and allow access to larger amounts of Ki.

The Energy could then be channeled throughout the body via special veins, or meridians, and utilized for the strengthening of the body and weapon and if you had a large enough ki pool, even the formation of weapons.

The Ki here was called mana. It existed in the atmosphere unlike Ki, which existed in the body. Thus the mages drew in mana from the atmosphere and condensed it in their Mana Core, whereas in my world where the energy existed within our bodies.

It also meant your innate pool size mattered quite a bit since it determined the amount of Ki you could absorb and utilize. It didn't matter if you could enlarge and strengthen it since it would barely increase in size at all, not to mention it could only increase in size a few times. Which meant one's skill with Ki was the single most important factor.

My Ki pool was quite a bit above average, it didn't stop me even a little bit from becoming a top fighter, since I could also adapt to anyone's fighting style coupled with my dual blade style, which helped me climb to the top.

But since one's mana core can constantly get stronger in this world, I should be able to surpass my old self and become powerful enough to keep my family safe.

It was one day in the library when I witnessed Arthur crawling purposefully to the very book I'd read as if he knew what to look for that I confirmed it.

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