Genius Baby Boy's

745 23 12

Arthur Leywin

In the world I had come from, elemental augmenters were merely practitioners of different sects. The Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind Sects consisted of their own techniques that utilized their element.

What had allowed me to become King in my old world was by knowing how to fight in all four different practices of the elements. Translate that here and I'd be a sort of quadra-elemental mage, if that even existed. Of course I did have my preferences. My weakest was earth and wind while my strongest was fire and water.

I hardly used wind and even less of earth except for slight support. No. I was feared in battle because of my mastery in the two complete opposite elements of Water and Fire.(Fuckin' dumbass, you're so attached to Water and Fire, you can't do shit with a sword until you fuck around in the Beast Glades. Fat L for you. - Dark)

While I was training with Gramps and getting my ass beat by Jay, I'd tested out numerous theories that I'd kept in my mind. One thing I learned very quickly during that time was that I had absolutely no talent for conjuring. Grandpa brought over an elven conjurer one day when I had asked him to get someone to teach me the basics and I ended up nearly killing myself.(lmaooo that's on you. Or, me, I guess. - Dark)

Augmenting and conjuring were quite different in one sense, and very similar in another. An augmenter could potentially have the ability to do what conjurers were capable of and vice versa. However, this only came with advanced breakthroughs in the top mana core stages as well as a much higher form of comprehension in the respective element.

I had thought that maybe I could bypass that fundamental rule and become both a conjurer and augmenter. I just regretted that I had to learn the hard way how that wasn't possible. Another theory I had tested was my potential ability as a deviant. Grandpa Virion and Tess had both been shocked speechless after they found out I could manipulate all four elements, but after the four months of trying to see if I could control any of the higher elements, I received mixed results.

But of course, this monster Jayden did the same as me, and instead managed to conjure all four elements and unlike me, was quite the proficient deviant in Lightning, Ice and Gravity, outclassing a few top class mages. Sound however, not so much, he still lacked the insight. But by the time he reaches Yellow core, he'll probably get it by then. I just know that monster could do it if it's him.

Waddaya know, two quadra-elemental twins, both deviants; one's a Dragon Tamer with a Dragon bond at the Light Red stage and the other is a better deviant at a mere peak Solid Orange stage. Imagine how terrifying this guy's gonna be when he reaches White core. He could probably wage war alone and win.

In any case, because of my proficiency in the Fire element, I was at least more adept in its Lightning deviancy rather than Water's Ice deviancy.

"Try not to be too surprised!"

Crackling sounds popped in the air around me as my hair stood on its end by the electric current coursing through me. There were currents of yellow lightning enveloping me as I prepared to attack.

"What the..." My father had almost stopped his attack after the shock had left unfocused. Before giving him the chance to recover, I dashed towards him, leaving a trail of charred grass and earth behind me. I blinked behind him, concentrating lightning into my fist as I went in for a hook.

A frightening explosion occurred as my fist collided with his. While my father had managed to block my attack the recoil pushed him into a nearby tree.

As for the audience watching us, Jayden had so graciously blocked with Aegis Shield.

"What'd I say about toning it down, dude."

"Sorry, sorry, it's Dad I'm fighting here. He's at the Orange stage so obviously I'd be outclassed. It's not like I intended to use Thunderclap Impulse."

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