A New Light Part 2

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Reynolds Leywin

My baby boys!

I was so happy we had sons. I wonder when I can start their trainings? When did I start training again? I can't wait to teach my boys all about magic! I hope they turn out to be augmenters like their old pops.

I might know the basics of conjuring, but I can't do anything practical with it except use it as a form of mental exercise. Alice, on the other hand, is one of the most talent people I've ever seen.

Even as an Emitter, she's quite exceptional. Back then, after she agreed to date me, she joined my party and we went on missions together.

Her restorative powers were amazing in and of itself, but what shocked me the most was when she used an area of effect spell, which healed all allies inside. Talk about one of a kind! And I'm her husband!

Hehe... I still don't get tired of saying that.

Back in the good old days before we had to settle down, we would go into Beast Glades and hunt for mana beasts.

I tell my sons about all this life, telling them this and much more so I can brainwa... I mean... nudge them to gain at least some experience as adventurers when they get older.

I don't know what I would do if my sons never awaken. It doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as they can train to become any kind of mage, I'll be a proud and happy father for them both.

It's actually pretty easy to tell what type of mage someone will be when they awaken, because when augmenters, conjurers, and deviants forma translucent barrier, the mana behaves differently around them during that time.

When they first awaken, augmenters form a sort of repelling force around the barrier, signifying they have dominant mana channels in their body over mana veins.

Conjurers however, form a vacuum of mana around them, which means that they have dominant mana veins in their body over mana channels.

And of course the degrees of the pushing and pulling force depends on how talented they are in either category.

Not to brag, but when I first awakened, at the early age of 12, not to mention, I was sleeping and the pushing force made me levitate for a good couple minutes! But enough force to lift a body, huh?

I'm sure that if either one of my boys turns out to be a conjurer, I can get them a tutor.

I was brought out of my musings when I saw the rear of the house had exploded. I ran towards that direction when another explosion happened in the same area, but was immediately brought to my knees at the sight I was witnessing.

"You gotta be kidding me..."

Arthur Leywin

Wow, I feel great!

Feeling refreshed at my breakthrough, I closed my eyes to sense the newly formed core in my body. My sweet little mana core!

"Art, Jay! Oh, my babies! Are you okay?"

I spotted my mother running towards me and Jay while my father was on the ground kneeling.

What could he possibly have done this time for him to get punished by Mother?

My mother lifted us up and hugged us, almost to the extent that my underdeveloped ribs gave out, and looking at Jay, he probably felt the same.

I finally managed to squeal out a "Mom, no cry. What's wrong?"

She didn't answer me and continued sobbing while cradling us. My father arrived next to her, patting her back and patting my head as well, giving me a weak smile.

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