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I thought I could peacefully grow stronger with my brother and protect my family.

But alas, even the cleanest of houses has its fair share of trash.

There were at least thirty bandits visible, and our current situation was unfavorable at best. Both our path forward and retreat were blocked off by sword, spear, and other closed ranged weapon wielding bandits.

There were archers positioned atop a cliff on the mountain to our right with their bows aimed at us, and the only thing beckoned to our left was the steep edge of the mountain with the looming fog.

Jasmine, Durden, and my father seemed to be fine, with no visible injuries, but Helen had an unhealthy pale complexion that seemed to be a result of the arrow jutting from her right calf.

Arthur Leywin

A bald man with multiple scars deforming his face and a body of a bear carrying a giant battle axe spoke out. "Look what we have here. Pretty good catch, boys. Leave only the girls and the kid's alive. Try not to scar them too much. Damaged goods will only sell for less," he snorted with a smirk that revealed a nearly toothless mouth.

Damaged goods...

I felt my body temperature rising; tensing from a smoldering anger I haven't felt towards someone in a while.

Being sheltered in the bubble of my home had almost made me forget that any world has its own share of trash like him.

I felt a small surge of mana. It was Jay. He was leaking mana from anger. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Chill out. Don't waste any of that here." I tried calming him down, although it was a bit of a challenge, seeing as how it continued for a few more moments before dissipating.

Jayden Leywin

I hadn't even realized I was leaking mana from my anger. It was only when I felt Arthur's hand on my shoulder that I realized.

"Chill out. Don't waste any of that here," he said in an attempt to calm me down. As expected of my King, recovering so quickly. It took a few moments before I finally managed to rein in my leaking mana.


I was angry. Actually, that's putting it lightly. I was ready to rush towards that brute and smash his face in, forgetting the fact that I'm a mere 4-year-old boy. I know Arthur felt the same. But I stopped myself. I held myself back.

Me and Arthur recognized how quickly Father reverted back to his former adventurer days when he'd once led the Twin Horns when his face held the kind of wisdom that could only come from experience. He donned his gauntlets, shouting, "Safeguard Formation!"

Adam quickly arrived behind us as he faced opposite the road, spear branded, while Jasmine and Helen came to our left with both of their weapons unsheathed, facing ahead. Father and Durden faced the mountainside, positioning themselves to protect us from the archers overhead. Meanwhile, Angela maintained her position, preparing another spell as she kept her wind barrier active.

"Gather and guard my allies O' benevolent Earth; do not let them be harmed!"

[Earth Wall]

The ground rumbled as a four-meter earthen wall transmuted up from the ground curving up in front of Durden.

In that small moment, Father burst forward, gauntlets up in a guard position against the arrows towards the enemy archers.

It was just a few moments later that Angela finished her spell and unleashed another torrent of wind blades aimed at the front and back of the path.

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