Authors Note!

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We did it! We finished our book! I honestly cannot thank you guys enough. You got me to 1.9K reads just in the time of me writing this which was not even 3 months. That's crazy! I just want to say thank you for reading because it honestly means so much.

I knew when I was almost to the end of writing this that this book couldn't just stop here. I knew there was so much more to be told. So that's when I decided that... drumroll please... I will be making a sequel! You can follow Prim after the Games and learn what happens next.

Now before you get too excited, I would like to let you know some details about the next book. I need time to brainstorm ideas for the next book so I will be taking a short break from writing on here. I also just need some time not having to worry about taking time to write so you can having frequent updates.

I do not know how long the break will be. It will be just enough time for me to brainstorm ideas and be able to relax and take a break from writing and making sure you guys get frequent updates as a I said before. During this break, I also need to come up with the title of the book, which I do not know yet. I'm going to guess the break will be anywhere from about 2 to 3 weeks. I will send out a message when I publish the first chapter, so make sure you are following me so you get the message. If you are not following me, you will not get the message and therefore you will not be able to read the next book :(

Thank you again for all of your support. I hope you really enjoyed my first book and I really just wanted to thank you for helping my dream of writing a book and have readers come true. I hope you have an AMAZING rest of your day.

Xoxo, Bailey :)

UPDATED AUTHORS NOTE. Sorry I know I never ended up doing the sequel. I may at some point though.

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