Chapter 21

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It's today. The Hunger Games are today. The thought sends a chill down my spine. I've been thinking about this day constantly, but I always push the thought from my mind, not wanting to think about it. But I know today that I can't push the thought any longer. It's real and it's happening today.

I'm in the room where they will keep us until they send us up in the elevator to put us in our platforms where we will stand until they count us down. When they get to 0, the Hunger Games have officially begun. I'm alone until everybody walks into the room to say goodbye. Or more appropriate, farewell.

First my mother sprints over to me. She pulls me into a long embrace, not speaking. But finally she pulls away. She sticks the Mockingjay pin on my shoulder. She takes a deep breath and tells me three simple words, but they have more power than any other. "I love you." Holding back tears, I say, "I love you too." She takes one last look at me and walks back, letting my father go.

He's calmer, but you can see the pain in his eyes, which are glistening with tears. You always can. He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Primrose. I love you. Don't forget, even when you are in that arena. Good luck," he tells me wholeheartedly. He means every word. I nod, not being able to speak.

Then Haymitch walks toward me. "Stay alive sweetheart. Don't forget anything you've learned." He walks off but about halfway through, he stops and turns around. "Oh, and don't forget. When you are up on the pedestal, do not, I repeat, do not step off it early. If you do, let's just say your chances of living are 100% over." I nod. Not winning. Never winning. Living.

Finally, Canyon slowly but surely walks to me. Being not much older than me, she doesn't know what to say, but I can tell she is tearing up. "Please. Try as hard as you can to live." I nod. I like how she says live instead in win. It's more truthful. I think of something my mother told me about the Games that she said Haymitch told her. "There are not winners. Only survivors." Haymitch must have told Canyon.

As Canyon is slowly walking back, the door opens and in comes a frantic Starlet. "I didn't miss her, did I?" she asks. Then she looks up at me. "Oh good," she says, out of breath. Starlet walks over to me and stands where we are eye to eye. She touches the braid that my mother put in this morning. I can do it myself, but I wanted her to do it. It will probably be the last time.

Starlet speaks to me. "When your mother was in the Games, her and her stylist were very close. I wanted us to be like that. And I think we are, aren't we?" I nod. "Good. But anyway, Cinna, your mother's stylist, said something to her before she went into the arena. Your mother told me what he said and I'm going to tell you," she says. "Okay," I say. "I'm not allowed to bet. But if I could I'd bet on you. You will win this, Primrose. You will," she says. And then she walks back to the corner where everybody else is standing.

Then I hear a voice over the microphone. It's counting down how long I have until the platform is lifted up. Taking one last long look at everybody, I step onto the pedestal. "10,9,8," it says in its robotic voice. Then finally it gets to one and I look at everybody as I am lifted higher and higher until I can't see them anymore.

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