Chapter 28

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They're coming closer. One boy is tall and muscular with short cropped hair that's brown. There's also a girl. She's tall, thin, and has shiny black hair that's shoulder length and straight but curved inwards. And the third boy takes me by surprise. It's Shark. And he's no longer the boy I was training with. He looks mad and he looks bloodthirsty. He wants to kill us.

We stare at each other. And then suddenly, we all attack. Noah throws the knife at the girl's chest, and she falls down. The cannon goes off and I know she's over with. I look over and see Maggie charging at the boy with the brown hair. They go at each other with their bare hands. No weapons. Maggie hits the boy over and over with her fist. On the jaw, nose, mouth and more. Finally, once he's on the ground and he has a very bloody nose and a certainly broken jaw. Too weak to fight back, he lays on the grass. Maggie gives him a death blow to the head, like I did to the boy attacking Ava, and he's over with too. The cannon goes off and I know he's dead for sure. Though Maggie won the fight, she doesn't look too good. Her nose is bleeding and she has a black eye already.

Only Shark is left, and it's my turn to kill. I don't want to kill him. We became friends during training. But it's either live or die. So I position my arrow and shoot him square in the chest before he even realizes it. The arrow whizzes right into his chest. He collapses to the ground and the cannon goes off. We won the fight. Including me, Maggie, and Noah, there are 9 people left. One of us might have a chance of winning.

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