Chapter 9

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I sit in the mahogany dining chair. I can't help but stare at the food. There is so much of it and it's all so fancy looking. We're not starving like District 12 used to be, but a majority of the citizens there don't get the privilege of fancy food like this. People who live in the Victors Village, where Hunger Games victors live, have more money, so they can afford food like that. But my dad is also a baker, so I would probably get food like that either way. My heart aches when I start thinking about home, and how I may never see it again. I push the thought from my mind.

Shark walks in and sits across from me. He doesn't say anything. Shortly after, my parents, Haymitch, and Canyon walk in. They all take a seat. My parents sit next to each other, and Canyon takes a seat on my right. Haymitch is on the left. Canyon speaks up and says, "You can eat you know," she exclaims while she is giggling. She always knows how to shine a light on a dark moment.

Everybody begins piling food on their plate. It is silent, other than the sound of silverware. I clear my throat and speak up. "Can somebody tell us what the next couple weeks will be like?" I ask quietly. My parents and Haymitch look at each other. My dad begins speaking.

"We will be arriving in the Capitol tomorrow morning, so you two will be sleeping here tonight. Tomorrow morning, when we arrive, we will show you where we will be staying until the Hunger Games begin. Then, straight afterward, we will show you to the stylists. They will put together your hair, outfit, and makeup, for both of you actually. This will be for the Tributes Parade, where they introduce each of the tributes. From then on, you will undergo training, where they teach you combat, survival skills, and more. The night before the Hunger Games begin, they will interview you, asking you questions simply about you. The very next day, the Hunger Games begin," my dad finishes. "Okay," I say, nodding my head and biting my lip. I'm taking it all in.

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