Chapter 23

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My eyes flutter open like gentle butterflys on a warm summer day. But it's not a warm summer day. I'm in the Hunger Games and I'm trying to stay alive. Just like Haymitch told me to do. I take a small drink of my water bottle. I'm trying to ration it. There's only so much of it and I need to make it last. Once I'm done taking my small drink, I stand up and walk north from where I slept. I need to walk around the arena.

As I am walking around leisurely, I hear a blood-curdling scream that makes my ears ring. I whip my head around so fast, it hurts my neck. I see the young girl named Ava from District 1 pinned to the ground by a large boy. "Shoot," I whisper. I don't have any weapons. I want to save her. Maybe we can be allies. The boys eyes shoot upwards, focusing on me. I'm dead meat. So I decide to try and scare him off with words. In other words, intimidate him. Which looks hard, considering his appearance. "Get off her," I tell him boldly.

The boy snickers. "And why would I do that? That gives me less of a chance of winning." I roll my eyes. "I see you've learned reality." It's silent and then the boy lunges at me, pinning me to the ground as he did with Ava. I see her spring up, ready to run. But then she looks at me, probably feeling like she is leaving me to die. "Run," I tell her. But the boy's large, dirty hand claps over my mouth, muffling my words. But Ava does what I told her and she runs off as fast as she can.

The boy puts more pressure on me. He probably weighs twice as much as me. I try to put up a hand but I am weighed down too much. "Looks like I've got my first kill. Right here in the palm of my hand," he says deceptively. It is quiet for a moment and I hear the wind through the trees and the birds tweeting. I take it in. It's probably the last time I'll ever hear it.

Suddenly, with all of my might, I thrust my elbow into the boy's mouth, taking him by surprise. His teeth hit my elbow and causes a couple small but deep cuts. But he has worse problems. Blood is pouring out of his mouth like lava out of a volcano. I'm sure I knocked out a reasonable amount of teeth. He claps his hand over his bleeding mouth and takes it away after a few seconds. His hand is coated in warm, thick blood. I look him dead in the eye. His eyes are fiery with rage. Rage all for me.

He stumbles towards me, ready to wrap his hands around my neck. Ready to kill me. He kicks me in the head, knocking me on the grass. I don't have time to be shocked though. His hands wrap around my neck like a ribbon on a present. I feel his hands, which are matted in blood, get tighter and tighter around my neck. I can't breathe anymore. With my last bit of energy, I take my hands, which were the only part of my body free, and twist both of his arms. I hear a loud crack. I broke them.

He's lying on the ground. I walk around him. He's almost done. I take my foot and ram it into the back of his head, taking away the last bit of life he had left. Not even a second later, a cannon goes off, announcing his certain death. I run away before the aircrafts arrive. I just killed someone. I just ended someone's life. I never wanted to do that. He was just another kid. Just like me. In the end, we are all just children. Still shocked from what just happened, I run off as fast as I can. I still want to find Ava.

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