Chapter 11

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I wake up early in the morning, when the sun is not even out yet. I walk into the bathroom and undress. I quickly hop into the shower. I expect there to be a single handle, like, well, a normal shower. But I was wrong. There are dozens of various buttons with small labels on them. While reading them, I learned you can change the color of the water, add bubbles, and other things I barely even understand. When I am done showering, and experimenting with the buttons, I step out and wrap a towel around my body.

I open the wardrobe. I expect to see bright, out of the box Capitol clothing, but I am shocked to find clothes I would actually wear. I put on a loose, blue button down shirt, jeans, and my brown leather boots I wear every day. I brush my soaking wet hair, and I knot it into the braid my mother taught me to do. I look into the mirror. I actually look like me. "For now," I think. In a few hours I will have Capitol people caking on makeup and messing with my hair.

I walk into the dining room for breakfast, and to my surprise, Canyon is sitting there, fully dressed in a red silk top and black pants. She has her hair down and natural, hanging in waves. It is brushed and soft looking. She turns her head. "Oh hello. You're here early. I didn't expect anyone to be up but me," she says happily. I smile and take a seat.

I begin piling food on my plate. It's pretty quiet, probably because it's early in the morning. But breaking the silence, I say, "So when will we be arriving in the Capitol?" She responds, "In about 4 hours." I nod my head. I finish eating my food in silence. I stand up and tell Canyon I will be in my room. She nods her head and lets me go.

I walk in the doorway and sit on my bed. I look out the window. The sun is slowly rising, turning the sky a beautiful mix of deep red, pinks, and oranges. Sunset orange. My dad's favorite color. I start thinking of him, and how he'll survive this nightmare of mentoring me, and then watching me die. "But there's still a chance you'll live." The thought goes in my mind. But I respond in my head "No I won't." I can't put that impossible hope in my mind. It won't happen.

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