Chapter 22

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The platform lifts me high up into the arena as tears roll down my face. I quickly wipe them away with the back of my hand so the other tributes don't see. Then I peer up and see the arena. It's a forest. Just like in my parent's first Games. There's another countdown this one signaling the Games beginning. "10,9,8..." I take my starting position, ready to leap off the pedastal any second. Then I hear the sound I have been dreading for the past 2 weeks. "1."

I take a huge leap off the pedastal and run as fast as I can past the Cornucopia. I don't want to risk dying as soon as the  Games begin.

But it turns out I can snag a water bottle. I keep on running as fast as I can. The wind is whipping the small hairs around my face that are sticking out of my braid. I run into the forest, the branches snagging at my clothes and scratching my face. Once I reach far past the Cornucopia, I sit down in the dirt, panting and trying to catch my breath. Time passes, and I'm just sitting here thinking.

Then I hear a sound and I look up. A hologram floating in the sky reads "The Fallen." It's going to show everyone that has died today. It shows 10 people already. I feel a small pang in the pit of my stomach. 10 people out of 24 just died in the past minute. 10 bodies that will never breathe again. 10 bodies that will never walk again. 10 bodies that will never laugh and smile again. That's eye-opening. And even more surprising, I'm not one of them. I'm alive.

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