Wei Wuxian," yes and when Wen Ning came to my house for Yi Fei and told me about the problem and notes, I immediately understand why you all are not able to read it and told you all that I will help!"

Nie Huaisang," Wei-xiong, you are really something. You know, firstly Jiang-xiong then Hanguang Jun and then Wen Ning, everyone tried to make something out of your notes but nobody able to understand a single word."

Wei Wuxian," sorry about that, but isn't it good? if someone who have malicious thought and that person got me notes, that person will not be able to read them."

Jin Zixuan," but you told us that the spell will repel the people who will approach the thing which had that spell on it but your notes never repel, it only stop people from reading it!"

Wei Wuxian," oh because I change the spell a little bit to see if it work or not and since nobody was able to read my notes, I guess the spell worked ".

Nie Mingjue," did you ever used the exact spell on anything?"

Wei Wuxian," I did, but it was just to check it my spell worked or not, not for any permanent thing since it needed a lot of energy and I was just 12 at that time!"

Nie Mingjue," what a minute, you invented these spells when you were only 12! How is that possible? Who taught you?"

Jiang Cheng," you will be surprise Sect Leader Nie but nobody taught him anything, he was always like that. He brain always work on something new and did not stop until he completes that work. And if you surprise that he invented that spell at the bare age of 12 then you will be shock to hear that he invented his own first tailsman at the age of 7."

Luo Qingyang," what were you thinking at that time, Young master Wei, when you invented such things?"

Wei Wuxian," I don't know, I don't remember actually, it's a very long time since I think about these things."

Lan Wangji is feeling proud on his Wei Ying and shows that by squishing his hands in his own hands.

Lan Wangji," Wei Ying, do you think I myself be able to put that spell on the whole Burial Mounds?"

Wei Wuxian immediately replies," no, and don't you dare think about doing that. I know you are strong, the best Cultivator, but still everyone have there own limits and it can kill you if you try to push your limits more than you should. Burial mound is too big and only single you will never be able to do that, even a immortal will not be able to do that."

Jiang Xuan Lu," so what do you suggest?"

Wei Wuxian," let's start with first step and put the first spell so that resentment energy will not be able to leave the burial mounds and that person will not be able to remove the barriers and if he/she tries then he/she will face a shock. I hope Nie-xiong has already told everyone the details about the spell ?"

Everyone nodded.

Lan Xichen," will this spell able need a large amount of energy?"

Wei Wuxian," no, you just have to put the spell on any area of Burial Mounds since the barrier is surrounding the burial mounds everywhere and it did not require large amount of energy but still need a person who had higher Cultivation to put the spell. !"

Luo Qingyang," who do you think will be the best suitable person to put that spell?"

Wei Wuxian looks at everyone in the office and replies,"everyone in this room except me, Wen Ning and Nie-xiong can put that spell!"

Lan Wangji looks at his Wei Ying to see if he is sad and only find a serious look on his face.

Wei Wuxian, " anything else? I know I speak a lot but still I also have a limit and now I am tired!"

Nie Mingjue, " I have no questions!"

Everyone also nodded and Wei Wuxian smiles and said, " ok then me and Lan Zhan are taking our leave and Zewu Jun of you don't mind can I take Lan Zhan with me in my house since I have to take Yi Fei and a'yuan home too?"

Lan Xichen smiles and replies, " I do not mind Young master Wei, and enjoy!"

Wei Wuxian, " thank you Zewu Jun, bye everyone."

Jiang Cheng, " Wei Wuxian wait!"

Wei Wuxian, " what now?"

Jiang Cheng, " you will come back tomorrow, right?"

Wei Wuxian, " but I have already done my work !"

Jiang Cheng, " no, not for work!"

Wei Wuxian who is getting impatient asks," then? "

Jiang Cheng," you know, just to spend some time with us! "

Wei Wuxian smirks at that and replies x aww Cheng Cheng, you will miss me. Don't worry, if that the case, I will come back with Lan Zhan!"

Jiang Cheng face become red because of blush but he still shouts and said, " who said I will miss you? I want thing that this way you will be able to spend some time with a'jie and others".

Wei Wuxian smirks and replies, " ya ya sure, I will come back. Now bye everyone!"

And leave with Lan Wangji, Yi Fei and a'yuan to Yunmeng.

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