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The Wealthy Little Stepfather 1

Fang Li bent down and washed his face with cold water repeatedly to keep himself awake. He took a deep breath and looked up at his face in the mirror. There were no scars or disfigurement on his face, so he was really reborn? Not dreaming?

Fang Li stood up straight and glanced at the narrow bathroom, turned around and walked out, looking at this room with only a single bed and a small wardrobe, not even a table, Fang Li wanted to cry and laugh, he really... reborn.

The door of the room was knocked hard and quickly. Fang Li took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and then turned to open the door.

When he opened the door of the room, Xu Yueshan stood outside the door, anx roared at Fang Li with a look of anger: "What time is it you still not getting up?! Sleep sleep sleep, you just know how to sleep! Just lie on the bed when you come back from vacation. Don't do anything, knowing that Wenxi is coming back today, the family will be very busy, and you don't know how to get up early and go down to help! Hurry down do you heard me!"

After Xu Yueshan finished shouting, she glared at Fang Li with disgusted eyes, then turned and went downstairs.

Fang Li closed the door of the room expressionlessly, turned around and went to the bathroom to wash up and change his clothes. He wouldn't go down to help. This family member, who used his parents' inheritance, looked down on him in every possible way. Give him the worst treatment. If a person is too weak, he will be arbitrarily bullied and looked down upon by others. Only when he is tough will he not be bullied. But in his previous life, he was tough too late, so he came to such a miserable end.

Fang Li's parents died when he was fourteen years old, and then he lived in his grandfather's house, which is here. After entering university, he began to live on campus. These days the school is on vacation, and he came back to pay for the living expenses.

Xu Yueshan is his aunt. After his parents passed away, they made things difficult for him and looked down on him. Those who didn't know it must have thought that Xu Yueshan was dissatisfied because he had to spend money to support him, but in fact his family was very rich. The property after the death of his parents was kept by his grandfather, and now it is in the hands of his uncle and aunt.

The couple didn't plan to return the money to Fang Li at all, and even giving Fang Li tuition and living expenses was like giving him a favor. And after Fang Li went to university, they didn't even pay tuition fees, only a little living expenses, and they were reluctant in every possible way.

After Fang Li washed and changed his clothes, he opened the wardrobe and took out a backpack. Then, he used the key to open the two drawers in the wardrobe, and took out the contents and put them in the bag. Most of his stuff is at school, and there are very few important things left here, a backpack is enough.

After packing up, Fang Li carried his backpack and walked out of the room.

After going downstairs, Fang Li first put his backpack in the corner under the stairs, and then walked into the hall.

Xu Yueshan, who was putting all kinds of fruits, fruit plates, and small snacks in a high-end snack shop on the coffee table in the hall, raised her head to see Fang Li, and immediately straightened her body and scolded: "Let you to come down immediately to help, what are you busy dawdling with above??! Are you deaf, or your brain is broken, and you can't understand words?! Sure enough, living is a waste of food, a completely useless waste, what university are you still studying?!"

Xu Yueshan scolded and said that he should have been hit by a car with her parents. She turned around and walked quickly to the kitchen to see if the dishes were ready.

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