But Louis...

I didn't know what I felt for who. I hated not knowing.

I felt like the worst person ever. Confusion is evil. I hated the fact that Harry kissed me. I hated the feelings that had been stirred up inside me. I hated breaking up with Lou. I hated not knowing what to do.

I hated myself.

Soon, I was pulling into my driveway. I parked outside the house I called my home, the house I had grown up in, the house that held all my cherished childhood memories.

I looked at my house, smiling slightly to myself. It was nice to know that some things hadn't changed. My house was still the small, two-storey brick house with the bright yellow door. The bright red mail box standing on the lawn still had a dent on it's left side.

I felt calm here. I felt like I was home.

Which I literally was, I guess.

I walked towards the door, dragging my suitcase behimd me. Fishing around my purse for the key, I found it hanging from my red telephone booth keychain which Louis bought me the day he took me on a 'tour' of London.

I bit my lip, stroking the keychain tenderly and remembering my first date (well, you couldn't call it a date...an outing?) with Lou.

Dwelling in memories was not the best thing to do right now. I looked up for a moment and my eyes landed on the peach curtains of the living room. I froze.

I could swear that I had swept all the curtains shut in the house before I left for London.

I stared at the window. Maybe I had forgotten to close this particular pair.

I shrugged it off, mentally reprimanding myself for being so careless with the curtains. It wasn't a big deal, but it could be dangerous. Plus I was paranoid that way.

My eyes landed on the two other keys attatched to the keychain - one for the boys' flat, which had been bestowed upon me for cases of emergency, and the key to my inn room.


I cursed under my breath, realizing that I hadn't told Gladys that I wouldn't be coming back for a while.

Putting calling Gladys on my mental to do list, I wrapped my hand around the door knob and turned it, about to jiggle the rectangular key inside the keyhole when something unexpected happened.

The door opened.

My heart almost stopped beating.

Why in hell was the front door to my empty house unlocked and open?

Okay, I was not stupid enough to not lock my door. And I distinctly remember doing so too.

Suddenly feeling scared, my mind raced through all the worst possibilities. Had my house been broken into? Had it been robbed? Had it been seized by tramps?

At that moment, I wished that Louis was here with me. I'd grown so used to having him around me all the time. His presence made me feel safe, it comforted me and assured me that danger would stay well away from me.

"I'll always protect you"

No. Em, stop thinking about this, I scolded myself. Get these thoughts out of your head. Get him out of your head for now. You broke up with him, remember? You broke up with him for his own good, so you wouldn't be unfair to him while you might possibly have feelings for another.

I took a deep breath, blinking away the tears stinging my eyes. I looked at the slightly ajar door, wondering what to do. Best case scenario - I actually did forget to lock the door, but nobody had realized and everything was exactly as I left it. Worst case scenario - my house had been broken into, vandalised, stolen from and been taken over by crazy homeless hobos.

Tangled in Love {One Direction Fanfiction}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang