Chapter 30

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Hello readers :)


So I passed 12,000 reads, and am currently 331 reads away from 12500, meh, it's close enough :)

I've been getting a lot more comments recently and that really does make me smile, so thank you c:

Anyways, enjoy the chapter,

SM xx


Emily's POV

I had been driving for five hours. Five hours is a lot of time to think.

All I could thing about was Louis. And Harry.

I hadn't even talked to Harry once after he kissed me, and looking back on it now, I realized that I should have. Leaving without even a word to him was a stupid move. 

I felt awful. I felt incomplete. I felt broken.

I felt numb. 

As much as I wanted to cry, the tears had stopped flowing.

I couldn't stop thinking about them. As much as I tried to distract myself, I failed. It was as if my mind refused to budge. Their faces had been engraved into my mind, and I bet I couldn't forget them even in my sleep.

I sighed, trying to focus on the road. Little droplets of rain were falling down and splashing onto the windshield with soft thuds. Today's weather fit with my mood perfectly - gloomy and miserable.

Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me

Little Things had started playing. This particular song had the power to unleash all my emotions. The pure and beautiful lyrics always got to me, and paired with the angellic voices of the five boys, it made a song which easily made me cry.

I couldn't be bothered to change the song, even though I knew that it would only remind me more of them, but for some reason I didn't budge and kept my hands firm on the steering wheel.

The soft and mellow melody of the song kept playing in the background. I found myself softly humming along.

I stopped at a traffic light, only five minutes away from my house. I couldn't wait to go home and do nothing but sleep in my bed and watch movies all day and eat a hell lot of ice-cream and wallow in self-pity.

I smirked slightly at how cringey that sounded.

You can't go to bed without a cup of tea.

I closed my eyes as a tear rolled down my cheek at the sound of his voice.

My tear ducts seemed to have become experts in the art of speed.

Louis's voice was my favourite voice in the world. It was so...different. It just made my heart do all kinds of backflips and somersaults. It was the most captivating and beautiful voice I'd ever heard.

Sighing, I focused on the road, wiping the few tears that had escaped my eyes with the back of my sleeve.

I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape

Harry had a great voice too. I'd always known that he would end up as a singer. He had been overflowing with talent ever since we were little kids. He'd always be singing, and even then, he had a really good voice.

The dreaded unanswered question was still swimming around my head - did I like Harry?

It wouldn't be too surprising if I did. It's a cliche thing for best friends to fall for each other.

Tangled in Love {One Direction Fanfiction}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz