Twelve; "I do not fear you"

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"Are you okay Willow? You have been extremely quiet," Kili said as he came back and sat down after he was standing at the gates.

Willow sat with her knees to her chest and her arms rested on her knees. Her head was rested on her knees and her hair fell over her elbows. She stared at the wall as her eyes watered but she couldn't even face Kili. She was so ashamed with who she was and what she was that it made her sick. Kili looked over at her trying to see her green orbs which he loved so much, but failed to see them.

"Please Willow look at me," he begged as he tried to see her eyes.

"I can't," she muttered. He stared at the girl as she moved her head so she was lookin down into her lap.

"But I need you too... I need to see your green orbs," he begged as she felt him sit on his knees in front of her and place a hand on her elbows. She barely looked up at him and he saw her watering eyes. His eyes softened as he stared at the girl. "What did that fool of a king do to you!?" He asked loudly as he scooted closer.

"Please don't, I don't want to hurt you," she begged as he kept getting closer. He came to a stop as he looked at her worried eyes. "If I did hurt you I would never forgive myself," she said as she pulled out of his touch.

He looked at her as she cornered herself. She hid her face but also hid her hands from him. He couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't see her look so miserable. He couldn't let her fear herself forever.

Kili took her hand making her gasp and look up. His lips kissed her knuckles as he stared into her green orbs. He slowly let her hand down and rested it on her knees. He saw her cheeks become pink and he smiled.

"I do not fear you, my lady," he said and her breathing hitched in her throat.

"My lady?" She asked and he realized what he said making his cheeks also turn pink.

"W-well y... you know," she just chuckled at his mumbling and fiddling.

He watched as she uncontrollably laughed at him which made him smile. He pulled out a small dagger from under his shirt and held it in his hands for a few minutes before pulling the girl hand towards him. She looked down as she controlled her laughing as he placed the small handmade dagger in her hand.

"I can't-"

"Willow please," he begged as he closed her fist. She looked up at the handsome dwarf then back down at her hand.

"Okay," she whispered and he nodded.

They stayed seated how they were for awhile until realizing their uncomfortable situation. He backed away as he sat with his knees bent but spread with his arms resting on his knees. She stretched out and rested against the wall. She held the dagger in her hand before ripping a piece of clothing and tied the dagger to her thigh.

"When do you think we will get out of here?" She asked and he looked up at her.

"I have no idea," he told the truth and she nodded.

That's when they heard the jingle of keys and they quickly stood up. She grabbed the cage bars and saw a friend. Bilbo Baggins unlocking the cages. She smiled and gasped in disbelief. She looked down at Kili as his brown eyes shinned. They were going to be okay. They were going to be free.

He unlocked the cages and they stepped out. He gave Willow a smile before running to help the rest. Kili took her hand and led her out. He didn't let go as he feared she would slip away from him. Fili watched as his brother took the hand of the witch and he grinned. He knew Kili had a huge crush on the girl the moment Kili laid eyes on Willow.

Bilbo led the company to some barrel and Kili helped her inside of one before going to another one. She braced herself as Bilbo pulled the lever down and her barrel hit the water hard. She groaned as she hit the water and balanced in the barrel. They came to a halt waiting for Bilbo and soon enough he fell into the barrel. They smiled as they began down the River. They hoot and yelled until they came to a gate which was closing.

"Willow! Can you see the lever and pull it?" Thorin asked and she looked around.

However, she could not spot the lever anywhere. That's when Kili jumped from his barrel and ran along the wood. She followed him with her eyes as he disappeared behind a piece of tree. She began to move her barrel around the other dwarves to spot where he was going until a whisle of a arrow went flying and hit him straight in the knee. He fell back in pain and they looked over at the orcs.

"Kili!!" She yelled as the orc got ready to shoot another one but another arrow whistle through the air and she saw the elves.

She sighed in relief as Kili jumped up and yanked the lever then jumped back into his barrel. The arrow snapped and they watched him in pain as they kept making there way down the water.

The dwarves began to attack the orcs with a single axe that they threw. They tossed it to her and she killed the orc trying to attack another dwarf. She tossed it to someone else before her hands glowed red and she attacked some of the orcs. She kept attacking any orcs close by using her magic. Some of the dwarves were in 'aw' as they watched the red mist shoot around them. They finally made it far enough out of both elves and orcs sight. They made it to shore and she hurried from her barrel and towards Kili.

"Hey, hey, are you alright?" She asked and he nodded but in extreme pain.

"No, we must keep moving, orcs are not far behind," Thorin commanded.

"Kili is wounded!" Fili yelled. It was quiet until Thorin told us to bandage the wound which Fili started to do. Oin stood over Willow shoulder as she was sqautted next to Kili.

They kept tending his wound as he would sometimes glance up at Willow as she stared at his wound. The girl eyes met with his as he gave her a heartily smile and she returned one. Her eyes then shifted quickly before she stood up fast. Kili jerked his head quickly as they spotted a man pointing a bow and arrow right at Willow. She swallowed hard as she stared at him.
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