Nineteen; "protecting the people"

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The dwarves hoot and hallowered as their kin got closer. Willow was ready to try and get between the fight when someone grabbed her arm. She looked up at the grey wizard who had a worried expression.

"Get to the village," Gandalf yelled harshly shoving the girl. She stumbled forward and looked at the wizard with a 'what the heck man!' But when she saw his expression she nodded.

Willow sprinted towards the village but the sound of ground crumbling made her stop. She looked over and saw oversized worm come straight out of the ground. Her eyes widened as the sound of a horn could be heard. Orcs were coming their way and she had to protect the people in the village. She saw the vile creature run down the hill and the dwarves and elves begin to fight them off. Dwarves and elves working together was a sight.

She watched as a new army of orcs began to come her way with larger one. Boulders flew over the city crashing into some buildings. She stopped some Boulder from hitting the buildings with her magic as she focused back onto the army of orcs. Humans along with Bilbo and Gandalf started to head toward the village.

"Get out of here!" She yelled but no one listened. She groaned as red mist shot from her hands and the people around her eyes glowed red. They began to get away from the orcs that was coming as she tried to get everyone away from the orcs. It was to late as the orcs began to invade. She stopped her magic as she began to fight.

She began to fight them off but their was so many. The people of laketown could be heard screaming and yelling for help. She put a red shield up between her and the people allowing them to leave. She was then shot with a arrow causing her to fall back. She hurried and pushed herself from the ground as she took the one who had shot her and flung him behind her as she bent her back. The orc hit the fire pit as it irrupted with fire.

She watched as the human has entered the city as she kept protecting the people. Fighting the orcs off until she watched the elves come into the city as well. She watched as the king Thranduil killed off some orcs before his eyes met her glowing red one.

"Not bad," she said to him out of breath before she lifted her hand taking a orc down that ran after her. The orc fell back dead as she looked back at the king.

"Get the people out of the city," he commanded and she nodded before taking to the sky.

She looked around before seeing a group of people surrounded by orcs. She landed beside the people and looked at the orcs. She ordered the people to get down which they did before she threw her arms out and a huge red blast shot from her body taking the orcs out.

"Get out of the city, take the women and children," she commanded before she ran off. She found Gandalf talking with the prince Legolas and Tauriel. She ran towards them as her red eyes calmed down.

"Willow..." Gandalf said turning to her.

"Most of the people are safe," she breathily said before looking up at the prince elf. "How many more?" She asked the prince.

"There is a whole other army," he explained and she nodded.

"Thorin is going after Azog, I need to get there before he gets himself killed, I will be back to help, I am taking Bilbo," she stated to Gandalf but before he could protest she grabbed up Bilbo and they made their way to Raven hill.

"I think I will walk," Bilbo said but before he could she grabbed him up and shot straight into the air making him scream. She landed before Thorin with a loud thud as she sat down Bilbo. Dwalin was already standing with Thorin. They turned to the girl as her red eyes met with theirs.

"Willow, Bilbo," Thorin said with relief.

"I have to find Kili and Fili," she whispered to Bilbo and he nodded as he explained to Thorin. She was ready to walk away when a loud thuds came. They all looked over at Azog who was dragging a blonde dwarf. Her eyes widened as she saw Fili beginning dragged.

The orc spoke in his language as Thorin and her started to run towards the clif. "This one dies first, then the brother, then you okanshield, following with the witch," he explained.

She watched as the orc pulled a sword out and her eyes turned a scarlet glow. Her eyes widened with fear but turned to anger. Her hands glowed a scarlet red as she tilted her head at the orcs.

"Hands off!" She threw a huge energy blast at the orc causing him to let go of Fili and fly back. She threw her hands foward allowing the red mist to wrap around the dwarf and let him down slowly. The dwarf was in complete shock and was useless in a fight at the moment. Thorin ran after Azog to fight and she watched as another movement went as well. Kili.

She was ready to head up there when she was gripped around the neck. She made eye contact with Bolg as her eyes watered. She jumped up and kicked the orc in the knee which he then threw her making her hit the rocks. He pulled out his weapon and was ready to attack the girl. She let out a shakey breath ready to be attack when A dwarf then jumped from the stairs onto his shoulder. She saw it was Kili and she smiled before he was thrown and he hit the stairs. He got up and kept fighting and Willow stumbled to her feet holding her rips. Bolg punched Kili and grabbed his chest lifting his spear.

"No!" Willow yelled jumping on the back of the orc grabbing his spear.

Bolg threw her again and she gasped for air as she was to tired to fight. She hurried and got up as her hands started to glow again. Before she could react the spear went through Kili chest and she screamed out. She fell to her knees and a huge red blast shot out of her and killed Bolg as he disintegrated. She crawled over to Kili and looked down at him. Tears flooded her eyes as he gave her a weak smile.

"Wil...Willow," he whispered.

"Kili, I-I'm sorry," she cried out. He moved a piece of her hair as she stared down at him.

"Willow, I love you..." the words made her freeze up as she looked down at him.

"I love you too," she whispered as she brought her face closer to his and planted a soft kiss on his lips. "I am going to help you."

"You have used to much of your magic, you will get hurt," he whispered.

"N-no I won't," her hands glowed red and she began to move it almost like a dance over his chest. She could hear his heart slowly fading and she hurried to process. His skin began to stitch back together as she healed him. His eyes closed as she let out a small sob as she kept healing him. "WORK!" She yelled as she finished the healing and he laid there. "Kili! Please come back to me! Please," she cried out as she rested her head on his chest. She sobbed harder then ever as she grabbed ahold of his armor. "Please..." her voice cracked and went silent as all you could hear was her sobs.

She gripped his armor harder until she felt a soft hand on the back of her head. She looked up fast and saw the handsome dwarf with a faint smile. She let out a soft laugh as she pulled him closer and wrapped her arms around Kili. She let out soft sobs as Kili rubbed the back of her head and played with her hair to sooth her.

"It is okay now, I am here," he whispered to her as she buried her face into his neck. "I won't leave you again," he said as she squeezed him harder.
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