Fifthteen; "You can't be her"

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The guards dragged them to the middle of the city it felt like or at least to their king. They kept the sword to Willow throat and had her pushed against one of the guards chest. She stared at the king who stepped out. She stared at the old man with blonde hair and she swallowed hard as the sword was so close to her throat.

She couldn't listen to the conversation as the sword stayed so close to her neck. She closed her eyes as a single tear escaped. The knife dug further into her neck until it was released and the body behind her was gone. She opened her eyes to see the king staring at her as she took a deep breath as Thorin stood next to him. She saw Bard arguing with Thorin about the dragon.

Willow hasn't had much time to think about the dragon they would soon face in the lonely mountain however she felt a weird way. She never seen a dragon and never wanted to face one. She didn't fear it but she sure wouldn't walk into a room with it. Especially without her magic.
It came morning and they were headed to the lonely mountain. They began to aboard the boat when Kili had a sharp pain. Willow looked over at the dwarf with sadden eyes as she hurried off the boat.

"Kili..." she whispered. While Fili, Kili, and Thorin argued she watched his wound. She watched Oin get off the boat as him and Fili began to drag him off. Willow begun to follow him until someone grabbed her wrist.

"Willow, we will need your help with the dragon," Bilbo whispered loud enough for her and the dwarves to hear.

"I'm sorry, but I need to be there for Kili," she pulled out of his grip and walked off. The boat sailed off and she took one last glance before hearing a panting dwarf.

"Did you miss the boat too, lass?" Bofur asked. She shook her head and motioned him to come as they dragged Kili to Bard place.

Willow knocked hard and it opened. Once he saw them he was bout to close it again when she stopped him.

"Please, Kili is hurt and nobody else will help," she begged and he looked at Kili.

He nodded and let them in as the set Kili on the table. Oin began to tend his wound and order the others around. Willow grabbed Kili hand and kissed his knuckles. She moved his hair out of his face as he was in a sweat. The girl closed her eyes tight and begun to pray to the valar. Bard had left them alone as Bofur ran to find a way to heal them.

"Willow..." he whispered and she looked at him with tear stains. "Don't cry," he begged and she nodded. He moved his other hand and wiped her tears before he went into another pain fit.

"Where Bofur!?" She yelled.

One of Bard daughter opened the door to look before she screamed and tried to slam the door. Willow ran over and pulled the girl away quickly. Willow hands began to glow as a orc fell through the roof. She threw a huge energy blast at the orc sending him through the wall. Oin grabbed some pans and chucked it at the orc coming though the door. Fili tackled one to the wall before Willow got the kids under the table. More begun to come through the roof and Willow began to attack. One tried to hit her with the sword as she dodged it as her hands kept glowing. She shot him out the door before finishing the fight with him outside. She blocked his sword with her magic as they fought kinda in a dance formation before she shot him far into the water. She went back and helped the rest as she shot the last one through the wall.

Just as they thought it was over more came through the roof. Her hands began to glow again until she saw a red headed she elf run in and start to help. Then a blonde prince came from the roof and shot the orcs. Willow sighed in relief as she made sure the kids were okay. She heard Kili yell as the orc went to grab him and in a quick motion Willow had the orc shot through the wall. Kili fell from the bed as Willow turned to fight the remaining orcs.

She heard the screech of a orc behind her as she saw Kili stab it before falling to the ground. She gasped as she fell to her knees as she saw Kili scream out in pain. She looked at the she elf with pleading eyes and she nodded. The dwarfs helped Kili onto the table as he screamed in pain. Willow pushed his shoulder down as the she-elf began to heal him. Willow begun to pray again as Tauriel did her work.

"Kili stop moving please!" Willow begged as she could barely hold the squirming dwarf. He began to rest as the pain left his body. His brown eyes stared into Willow green eyes as she was halfway on the table and half way on floor but holding him down. He saw she was holding in the tears as she hated to see him in this state. He laid his head back and rested as Willow sat on the table and relaxed.

"Thank you Tauriel," Willow smiled before the she-elf left the home.

Willow stood to her feet as she looked up at the roof trying to hold her happy tears in. She was relieved as she looked back at Kili. She began to clean up until she heard a soft groan and she looked down.

"Willow..." he mumbled.

"Lie still," she whispered as she looked at the dark haired dwarf. She smiled to herself before placing the bowl she had in her hand down.

"You can't be her..." she looked back at the dwarf as he begun to talk nonsense. "She walks the open field in another was just a dream," he cooed and she lost her words. She felt his hand begin to softly touch hers. "Do you think she could have loved me?" He asked and the girl stared at the dwarf.

"I believe she could," Willow whispered. "Now get some rest," she let go of his hand and began to clean up the place.

After she cleaned up she came and sat beside Kili as he was still awake. He was totally out of it, but being a dwarf he was stubborn so he was still awake. He looked over at the girl and she gave a half smile as he mumbled something.

"What?" She asked.

"Can I braid your hair?" He said and the room got quiet as the dwarves looked at her.

"You can if you would like," she scooted closed to him and he rolled to his side and began to braid a piece of her hair. The dwarves smiled as they watched the young dwarf braid a piece of her hair. When he was done she pulled away and felt the braid and at the end it was a nice bead. "It's beautiful Kili," she whispered.

"Just like you," the dwarf smirked and wink making the girl grin.
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