Eighteen; "war or peace"

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Willow stayed in the tent with lord Thranduil as she waited for war. He drunk his wine and went over his studies while keeping an eye on the witch. He could not trust her, not one bit. She stayed quiet as she stared at the tent walls keeping herself occupied.

The tent curtain flew open and a man with a grey hat walked in. Willows eyes went straight to the wizard she had been dying to talk to. Once he had stepped through those curtains all her anger built up inside of her. His eyes met with hers as he could feel the anger radiating off of her. Bard stepped aside and so did Thranduil not daring to break their gaze.

"You lied to me!" She yelled.

"To protect you," he softly responded.

"You told me I lost my memories from the orc attack that took my home! You did not say I killed many and destroyed peoples lands!" She said stepping up to him.

"Willow, everything I have done is to protect you and middle earth," she let a low chuckle out as she looked down then back at him.

"You erased my memories from anything from the age of 20 to now," she said. "I barely even remember why I joined the company to reclaim Erebor," she shrugged as she stepped back. "You stabbed me in the back-"

"You, Willow Smith, used your magic for the worse! You used the darkest of magic! I should have known when you became the scarlet witch! The harbinger of chaos, a world destroyer, the person who causes pain and suffering everywhere you go! Willow you were out of control! You were bloodlusted for revenge," he yelled as the tent got dark and his voice got loud and deep. Willow never backed down even though she felt like falling to the ground and sobbing.

The girl said nothing as she pushed past the wizard and walked out the tent. She stood with her back to the tent as a single tear fell from her cheek. She wiped it away as she placed her hands on her hips and looked down. She calmed herself down as she kicked a rock on the ground and rolled it around under her shoe. She turned around to feel a embrace. She looked at the grey clothing realizing it was Gandalf. She hugged the wizard back as she softly cried.

"I'm sorry Willow."

"Me too, Gandalf," she whispered.

Gandalf was like a father figure to her which she desperately needed. He was her guidance and guardian when she needed him. How did she respond to that? By breaking his trust by blinded by revenge.

She pulled away from him and he led her back inside the tent to talk about the war that came. Not the war between dwarf, man, and elf. But the war that was against the orcs. She listened carefully as Gandalf spoke about these orcs. They were coming to kill like always which she wasn't surprised.

Thranduil of course did not listen to a word he had to say as he rolled his eyes once Gandalf begun to speak. Willow stood to her feet already hearing enough and walked out of the tent. The sun had fallen already and she was not a bit tired. She was not going to fight her dwarf friends or no men and elf. She was simply going to watch if they started a war between each other. It would be otherly stupid if they did since the orcs were coming. They need to work together or they were all going to die. Not to be negative or anything.

As Willow stared towards the moment she heard soft feet run towards her. She looked over as she spotted Bilbo run over. She smiled as she ran towards him. They met in the middle as he tried to catch his breath.

"T-the dwarves.... Are going to fight," he said out of breath.

"So stubborn," she grumbled as she motioned him to the tent. "Look what the cat drug in," she said taking a seat next to Bard.

Bilbo began to talk about the dwarves and how he became fond of them. Overall she was fond of them as well and cared for them. Some more then the others but she did. Yes, the dwarves were stubborn as a mule. They also had the worst manners on the planet. Yet they are loyal to friends. She will fight for what she believes is right. Even if that means they all fight against her.

"Willow, why did you come?" Bard asked harshly as she ran beside his horse and Thranduil Elk.

"Because they are my friends," she said as she jogged between them. "How much further?" She asked out of breath as she looked at the armies of elves. Bard let his hand down and the girl took it and jumped up onto the horse behind him. "That's better," she said looking around him to see a mountain.

"Can you two stop talking so loud?" Thranduil harshly asked.

"No, but I can talk louder," she said and he glared at her.

"I am surprised he hasn't started a war with you?" Bard whispered as he leaned back and she moved her lips closer to his ear.

"He's already tried," she whispered back making Bard grin.

They finally arrived at the front of the army and she saw the dwarves standing behind a wall almost. She jumped from Bards horse and stood between the horse and elk. Her eyes automatically met with Kilis. The dwarf looked hurt almost like he been stabbed in the back.

Willow looked away as she saw a arrow hit the ground and she looked up. She spotted Thorin holding a bow and she glanced up at the smirking elf. The dwarves begin the crack up, but in one motion the armies of elves held arrows up at them making them coward behind the rocks other then Thorin. Then with a raise of his hand they put their bows away.

"We've come to tell you, payment of your debt has been offered and accepted," Thranduil said. The air felt thin and she felt uncomfortable in the quiet situation.

"What payment?" Thorin asked confused. "I've gave you nothing, you have nothing," Thorin said harshly. Willow and Thranduil looked over at Bard while he pulled the Arkenstone out.

"We have this," Bard said holding it up high.

Thorin eyes widened as he looked at Willow. He pulled another arrow out and aimed at the girl and released the arrow. She wasn't even looking but luckily for Bard he yanked her out of the way as the arrow only gazed her skin. Still enough to make it bleed a bit. Kili eyes widened at what his uncle just did as Willow looked at them almost hurt. Thranduil was ready to have his army attack when a soft voice spoke up.

"It wasn't her," Bilbo said from up on the mountain. "I gave it to them," Bilbo said making Thorin slowly turn to him.

She watched as the two yelled back and forth as she held her side. She only caught the words "throw him" and her eyes found bilbo. Thranduil and Bard faces dropped and so did hers. No dwarf made a motion towards Bilbo even Thorin tried getting Fili to do it but Fili pulled away.

"I will do it myself," Thorin grabbed Bilbo and Willow eyes widened more.

"Thorin no," she yelled as her hands began to glow as she stepped forward. She was ready to catch him but a voiced boomed.

"If you don't like my burglar, then please, don't damage him. Return him to me," Gandalf yelled making his way over to her.

Her focus returned on the hobbit as Thorin released him. Bofur hurried and got Bilbo down off the rocks. Willow rushed over to him as her hands stopped glowing. When she got to him she asked if he was okay and he just nodded. She glanced one more time up at the dwarves as Kili stared down at her. She looked away as she made sure they were safe back beside the elves and men.

"Will you have peace or war?" Bard asked as the elven king perked up. Right before he answered a crow flew down and Willow frowned.

"I will have war," Thorin said as they looked towards the hill. A Dwarves army came marching down the hill.

"Ironfoot," Gandalf whispered. With that Thranduil gave his army orders and they begun to March after them
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