Seven; "I know my value"

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The skin changer changed back to his human form and picked up the unconscious girl. She bled from her side and her head as he carried her to his home. Shoving the huge doors open to his house. He laid the red haired girl down on a fur blanket that laid over some hay. The sun was slowly beginning to rise

The girl breathing began to slow down and so did her pulse. She was losing to much blood. The more pressure he had put the more it seemed to leave her body. He ripped a small spot on her dress just enough for him to find the entrance to the wound. When he found it he grabbed the thread and needle. He poured some water on it where the blood would move so he could start the stitching. He started to stitch the girl up.

When he was done he threw a blanket over her so when she woke up she felt comfortable. He then moved his attention to her head. It didn't need stitching but it needed to be taken care of. He grabbed a cloth and wiped it down. He cleaned it off then washed his hands off.

The skin changer began to do his normal routine. When he grabbed his axe to go cut some wood he heard a loud gasp then a loud groan. He looked over at the red headed girl who sat up with a jolt. She was looking down at her stomach as she moved her hand over her wound. She looked at the red blood form on her hands. The tall man let out a low growl and a few mean words under his breath before walking over to her.

"You pulled your stitches," he said with a deep voice. She looked up at the tall man and her breathing hitched in her throat.

"Sorry," she whispered and he bent down beside her.

He redid the stitches as she watched his hands move in a elegant way. He shifted uncomfortably under her gaze. She didn't mean to stare but she wasn't judging him. Heck she wasn't even thinking about him at the moment. She was wondering if the dwarves made it off that mountain safe.

"Don't stare," he said and she looked up at him.

"Sorry," she said again.

They fell into a comfortable silence as he finished up stitching her again. He stood up and picked his axe up and rested it against the wall. He walked over and began to cook. She watched as the tall, muscular, but also hairy man begin to place some meat on a frying pan. She wrapped the huge fur blanket around her shoulders before standing up trying not to mess up the stitches. She found her way to a chair before falling over into it. He brought over some food and laid it in front of her.

"Eat," he simply said and she listened. She was quick to start eating all the food as he grabbed his axe and walked outside.

She listened to the chopping of wood as she finished up eating. The food was delicious and she was thankful. She hasn't had cooking like that in a long time. She slowly got up and walked over and washed her dish off. She laid it aside before making her way outside to the skin changer. She walked over and stood far enough so she wouldn't get hit with the axe.

"So who are you?" He asked not taking his eyes off the wood.

"Willow...and you are?" She asked as she rocked on her heels. He looked at the girl debating on telling her his name.

"Beorn..." he said bringing his axe down on the piece of wood. She hummed in response as she looked around the place. "Why were those orcs chasing you?" He asked.

"When do orcs not chase someone," she muttered. They fell back into a comfortable silence as she grabbed some wood and sat on it. She watches as he cut the huge wood pieces.

"How did you know I was a skin changer?" He asked.

"I felt it," she simply stated as she placed her elbow on her knees and chin on her hands. "I ran to the field because I was seeking for help, I knew someone was here so I knew I had to try, when you got closer I could feel the presence of a man," she softly explained as he chopped more wood.

"And how did you feel that presence," he turned to the girl resting the axe handle on the ground.

"I just did," she said with half of it being the truth. His brown eyes met with her green ones as she gave a small smile. "Thank you for helping me," she said as she stood up and rolled the last piece of wood that she was sitting on to him. It was rather big almost up to her knees but she got it to him. He picked it up with one hand before swinging his axe and let the wood chop in half.

"Where were you off to before you were attacked?" He asked laying his axe down. He walked towards the house and she followed. For every step he took she took three.

"Um...Erebor to help the dwarves reclaim their mountain," he turned to her with a deadly look almost making her fall back.

"I hate dwarves," he harshly said with a stern look. She swallowed hard as his cold eyes went back to normal. "They are stubborn and greedy," he explained as he turned and kept walking.

"Tell me about it," she huffed. "I have only talked to about three of them and the halfling, Bilbo, but the rest act as if they don't want me there," she said as he held the door open as she walked into his house. "But I guess it is all alright as long as they get their home back, I'm just along for the journey, I guess," she said smiling up at Beorn.

"Who are the dwarves that threat you badly?" He asked with a cold stern look.

"Oh! None threat me badly, they just always whisper or mumble behind my back, but I could care less..." she paused as she made eye contact with him. "I know my value anybody else's opinion doesn't matters," she said as a smirk appeared on her lips.

"So where are you off to now?" He asked.

"I will continue on my way to Erebor and travel through Mirkwood because it will be the fastest option-"

"It's the deadliest option," he interrupted.

"Why is that?" She asked sitting in a overly sized chair.

"Darkness lies in those woods," he paused.

"I will travel the elven trails," she said.

"The wood elves are not like their kin... they are less wise and more dangerous," he tilted his head as he sat in another overly sized chair. "But that doesn't matter," he said. Her green orbs met with his brown ones.

"Why so?"

"Orcs cover this land, they will get you before you even get to the forest," he explained. He watched as her expression fell into a frown and he sighed. "I will help you get their, but I can't help you any further then the woods," he said and she smiled.

"Thank you!" She stood up fast forgetting about her stitches. She groaned as she felt the pain shoot through her stomach.

"But you are in no condition to travel alone," he said standing up as she saw she was in pain.

"Believe me Beorn, I will be okay," he watched as she slowly sat down and he moved to his kitchen. "I can make it at least to Mirkwood alone after you help me to the forest," she explained and he gave her a worried look.

"We leave first thing in the morning."
Thanks for reading

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