Ten; "look who decided to show up"

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The sound of cage door slamming woke the girl as the cell next to her slammed shut. Willow stayed seated in the corner of her cell until she saw the red headed she elf throw a dark haired dwarf into the cell. The red headed elf snuck off as the dwarf watched her. She rubbed her tired eyes as she stared at the dwarf.

"Well look who finally showed up," she said with a smirk. The dwarf turned quickly on his heels to face who spoke to him. She saw his brown eyes light up at the sight of her.

"Willow!" Kili yelled as he ran over and wrapped his arms around the girl. The hug made her freeze a bit before she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Willow?" She heard some dwarves ask from other cells. Kili pulled out of the hug and smiled at the girl who was laid against the wall.

"So why are you in here?" She asked with a small grin.

"I could ask the same thing," he said and she smiled.

"Fair enough," she said as he sat beside her.

"Willow, I though you were dead, I mourned for you," he softly said as he looked at her green eyes.

"I'm hourned," she said making a funny face.

"I'm serious Willow," he said and she chuckled.

"You know what I am," it was more of a statement then a question.

"Yes," he swallowed hard as he looked at the girl.

"Good, now you don't have to worry about me dying," she said looking down at her hands.

Kili watched as she scanned her hands. He could tell she was worried for what she could do. He didn't know what she could do but he trusted her. Kili moved his hand over and placed it in hers. He closed his fingers around her hand making her look up from the warmth.

"I believe in you," he softly said almost in a whisper. "I know you believe we fear you, but we don't, far from it actually," he rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand.

"Kili, I don't even know what I did in the past, all I can remember are the screams of my people..." she trailed off once she realized what she said.

"What do you mean?" He asked as she looked away.

"Orcs invaded and killed everyone I knew or loved, me and my brother had our powers, I was the scarlet witch and he was extremely fast, we tried to stop the orcs and spiders but there were to many of them, my mother and father sacrificed themselves to save us so we could get away, my brother was running fast with me in his arms until a arrow was shot and killed him. He dropped me and I watched him die before me and all I could do was watch. Then I got away and that's the last I remember," she softly spoke. "Then I was told today that I held elves in dungeons or something like that," she shrugged her shoulders. Kili looked over at her with sorrowful eyes. "Don't give me that look," she let out a breathly laugh.

"Why not?" He raised a brow as she looked back at him.

"I don't like when people stare," she whispered.

"Hard not to when a girl like you is so beautiful," he said winking at her making her cheeks turn a light pink. He saw the effect he had on her which made him smile. "Hard to look away," she chuckled and looked away for a slight second then looked back. It was like brown vs green as their eyes met. The only thing breaking their eye contact was him glancing at her lips. He begun to move his head closer to hers until their noses touched and their hot breath mixed. Her lips parted as he began to get even closer as their breath did dances. Her heart began to speed up. Their lips were barely touching as they kept moving closer.

A loud bang hit against the door making him pull away as their lips never enterwined. She looked at the red haired elf opening the gate. The elf had a smirk on her lips with one eyebrow risen.

"The king wants to speak with you, Willow," she said as Willow looked back over at Kili. Willow stood up as her hand was still linked with Kili. She slowly let go as the comfort left her. Kili gave her a worried look as she stepped from the cell and it slammed shut. The dwarves saw her and begun to protest to the elf to let her go. She looked over at the last cell seeing Thorin who was holding onto the bar staring at her. He gave her a nod and she nodded back.

She walked up toward the throne room with the red haired elf on her side. Willow watched as the blonde king spoke with his son softly and quietly. When they heard her footsteps they turned to the girl with cold eyes. She shifted under their stares as she cleared her throat.

"You wanted to speak with me?" She asked as the king raised a brow.

"It came to my attention that you don't know your past and what you did," he harshly spoke as the girl played with her thumbs.

"I do not remember hurting your people, my lord," she spoke the truth and he could tell. He moved his hand dismissing everyone in the room other then her.

The king circled the girl like she was his prey. He was extremely tall and held so much power with just his stance and pride. She swallowed hard from the uncomfortable feeling of his eyes scanning her. He finally came back to in front of her and held his hands behind his back.

"Would you like to look through my mind so you can see the cruel things you did?" He asked. The king just gave her permission to look through his mind. What was she supposed to say?


"It was order," he commanded making her shut her mouth. "Go on and see the cruel things you did."
Thanks for reading

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