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Bangtan house

8 mens were eagerly waiting for two ladies to arrive but there were no sign of them. they were growing impatient by each second passing. One of the maknae growl annoyed waiting for them.

Jungkook:'dad when will they come home?'

Dad:'have patience jungkook, they will soon come home' he tried to calm his son when he himself was extremely worried

Jin:'but it's been 4 hours yet they are not home'

Jhope:'yeah dad i am getting worried about them'

Namjoon:' what if some-'

Their dad's phone rang cutting off Namjoon. He answered the call.

Dad:'what is it?'


He shouted making the brothers flinch.

Dad:'where are they?'

Dad:'okay we will reach there soon'

He ended and gave his sons a sad look. The brothers became confused at their father's behaviour.

Suga:'what happened dad?'

Dad:' they are in hospital' these were the only words that came out of his mouth die to shock'

Jimin:'who dad?'

Dad:' your mother and sister'

All brothers:'WHAT???'

Jhope:'dad you are joking right?' he asked in disbelief

They saw the tears in their dad's eyes which was enough to prove that true

Namjoon:'dad let's go the hospital'

All of them nodded and went to the car praying that their mother and sister should be safe.

Jin pov
At the hospital

Dad:'hello, is there any daughter and mother patients admitted?'

Receptionist:'yeah, they are in ward no 215 and 216'

Dad:'thank you'

He said and approached the room to see his wife and daughter. They came near the room and saw a nurse coming out of the ward.

Jin:' excuse me nurse, how is the patient?'

Nurse:'the operation is still going on, the patient's condition is critical'

Worry rushed throughout all of them hearing the nurse's statement

Nurse:' but don't worry we will try our best, don't lose your hope' she smiled assuring them and walked past them.

They signed and sat in seats, their dad looked at the door with concern and worry. The brothers nervously sat rocking back and forth in the seat.

After 2 hours

The 8 mens were sitting restlessly until the door of the ward opened. Their tiredness flew in air in a second. They all approached the doctor boarding him with questions.

Dad:' Dr how is my wife and daughter?'

Suga:'are they fine?'

Jimin:' they are totally fine right?'

Jungkook:'dr i want to see them'

Doctor:' are you all related to them?'

Dad:' yeah'

Doctor:' sorry we couldn't save your wife' dad fell on his knees and started crying hearing the news

Jin:' what about our sister?'

Doctor:' she is out of danger but....'

Namjoon:' but?'

Doctor:' she fell into coma stage'

Mafia brothers |bts au| On HoldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora