The boat occupants could only watch in Horror as the fire came down next to them. The water could be heard sizzling where the fire reached, heat radiating on the other's. People fell into the water, either burning or desperate for escape.

Veryan finally snapped back out of his shocked state. He quickly jumped up, calling for Fili and Bofur to stop momentarily. He jumped out of the boat onto a near by dock, ready to run off, when a gentle hand grabbed his.

The Wizard stopped in his place as he turned around, seeing a very concerned Legolas, his eyes showing the worry he was feeling. "Where are you going?" He asked the other, gripping the soft hand harder.

"I have the power to help. I can't just sit and watch them die, Legolas" Veryan hastily replied, for once in his lifetime trying to pry his hand away from the other's instead of gripping it harder.

All Legolas did was pull him closer, making the two stand face to face now. "I don't want to see you getting hurt again"

Veryan's eyes softened, as he gently placed his free hand on Legolas's cheek, smiling up gently at the other "I will be sure to keep myself safe. You carried out your word, so it's only fair i carry out mine"

Legolas sighed, leaning in closer to the shorter. "Than...please take this back"

Veryan's cheeks blazed up as Legolas placed a gentle kiss against his cheek, his hold on the Heterochromia male's hand loosening.

The prince pulled away, putting one of his hands against Veryan's cheek, placing his forehead against the others as the two looked at each other. Veryan let out a shaky breath as he smiled up at the other. He gently pushed Legolas back, beckoning him back into the boat. Only when he saw Legolas on the boat, sailing away with the other's, did he turn to run in the direction of the fire.

Legolas looked on in worry as the male he started to adore disappeared out of his line of sight. He sighed and sat down, right in front of Fili.

"Don't fret, Elf. Veryan always come's back" Fili whispered to the other, trying to comfort the almost distressed prince.

Legolas shook his head as he looked by at the blazing fire "I hope your right. I adore him too much to lose."


Veryan quickly made his way through the burning streets of Lake-Town, trying to avoid the fire as much as possible. He could easily just walk through it with the help of his magic, he done it multiple time's. But he kept his magic to a minimum for now, saving up as much as he could to face of the dragon.

He didn't tell Legolas all of the truth of why he wanted to help. He saw the dragon himself, on that faithful day, in the city of Dale. Oh what a beautiful day it was. The Dwarven people were happy, and the market's were bustling with people. When came the roar, then the beast, then the fire. Veryan tried his best to help the people of Dale escape the flying inferno, but a fire blast came his way. He barely had time to block some of it before he was sent flying into a building, getting knocked out on impact. When he finally awoke his entire right side was bleeding, his leg having bared most of the damage dealt to him. The city was covered in ashes. Body's, or what was left of them, littered the streets. The damage was permanent, to the city and himself as well. A burn mark on his right leg, going from his hip bone to his ankle, was a gory reminder of what the dragon could do.

The Heterochromia male jumped over debris of house's about to turn a corner, when he heard a cry of help. He stopped in his tracks and turned around, his eyes landing on a burning house. He took of in it's direction, the shout's of panic becoming louder and louder. The male jumped over fallen barrel's and plants, jumping into the house through a broken window. Inside the house everything was ablaze, Veryan barely saw the two children sitting in the corner. When he saw them, he quickly ran up to them, using some of his magic to run through the fire. He stopped centimetres short from them, seeing two older children, the girl being no older than 8 and the boy being about 8 or 9, clutching a bundle in their arms, a woman's body leying right in front of them, her lower half already burnt beyond recognition.

Veryan gently pushed the woman's body aside, and kneeled down to the children. He gently took the boy's hand and smiled at him. The boy looked up at him, and jumped back a little. "Hey, hey don't worry. I'm here to bring you to safety. Come on, let's go"

The children staggered to their feat, the boy helping the girl stand up as the fire inched closer and closer to them. When the two kid's were stabilized on their feet, the bundle in the girl's arm's tightly held, Veryan scooped the two into his arm's and quickly made his way out of the house, jumping out just as the house blew up, fire grazing Veryan's skin as the male landed.

He placed the kid's on the ground and looked around, quickly finding a boat. He gently pushed them twords the boat, helping them climb inside. When they were seated Veryan started to push the boat "If you stay in the water the fire won't get to you. Just go straight and-" "No, stop!" the boy shouted out, making Veryan quickly stop in his place.

He looked on at the boy in confusion. "What's wrong kid?"

The boy quickly pointed a finger to a house, which was just a bit further from their own "There's a family in there! We heard them shouting!"

The girl quickly nodded her head up and down "You have to help them mister, please"

Veryan sighed, but turned to leave "Wait here. Don't go anywhere before i come back" and with that he was off.

He busted through the front door of the little house, squinting his eye's trying to see something. To his surprise, he saw a man and a woman probably in their early 30's, holding a girl, presumably their daughter, in their arms as the fire closed in on them. Veryan quickly used his magic to stop the fire in it's place, making a path for himself so he could walk up to the couple. The three looked at him in wonder and surprise. "Come on, the fire isn't going to stay seated forever. We have to move, now!"

The couple didn't have to be told twice, as they grabbed their daughter's hand and dragged her out of the house, closely followed by Veryan, who lessened his magic so the fire could keep enveloping the house. He quickly lead the couple to the boat, where the two children still sat. He helped them sit down and handed the man and woman some paddles. 

He pushed the boat forward "Alright, stay in the water. Get out of the town and onto safe ground" he ordered as the couple finally started to paddle. 

Before he could even run off again, the woman called out to him "Thank you son! God bless your soul!"

He turned his head and gave his best smile to the still watching couple, as he finally chose to use his magic, and flew up onto a house, running on top of them, trying to catch a certain someone he knew was going to kill the dragon, no matter what it took.

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