The investigation

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     You had the day off. Probably a good thing as the police wanted to stop by and talk. It was arranged for 3pm. Making sure the house was tidy and presentable, it was just about that time. Before they arrived, you heard a tick. This wasn't good. You didn't need this moments before the police were going to show up. Looking around to find where the ticking was coming from, turning every pillow, you glance towards the closet at the end of the hall. The door is closed, but there is a seam of light at the bottom. You prepare to open it and all of a sudden, "knock, knock!". It came from the closet. Without any hesitation you slam the door open to find one staticky figure. They were half black, half white, and holding the hourglass. It was Unus & Annus joined into one figure.  Before a word was said, it said, "do not give them the hourglass" . A doorbell rang and you turned your head. When you looked back, they were gone.

      The police arrived to talk and the place had now somehow looked like a tornado had gone through the house. They proceeded to ask if there were any problems, but you calmly said "just couldn't find my keys". They asked if there was any news on the whereabouts of the hourglass and it was followed by an immediate "No". You were just told by an ominous figure in your closet to not say a word. It was probably best to abide by that. Who knows what would've happened if you said yes. Basically the police only came to check up and relay the news that the two thieves were caught in the morning. There was no need to worry about a break in. If only that was true.

     A while later, the police had left, and it was back to a normal day. The closet incident earlier had you captivated. Was whatever this was just living in the closet? Was this the spawn ground? You decided to do a little bit of investigation. You walked over to the closet, opened it and closed the door behind you. You sat in the darkness waiting for something to happen. For a moment, you closed your eyes, to open them to the Unus Annus figure. It said, "Thank you, I knew you were the right one". Puzzled by this you asked, "the right one? Why are you here? Why me? Am I being tormented?". The static filled the void for a few seconds, then a response. " After Unus Annus, we got trapped in this dimension. There's a entity with a timer chasing us wherever we go. It won't stop ticking. We just need to lay low for a year until the end portal opens. " This relieved you to hear that this thing wasn't here to torment you, but there was one issue. There was this ticking that kept happening. Was this the timer they were speaking of? Was it here? Was the spirals a trap?

     You spent what felt like an hour in the closet, talking to Unus Annus, They explained how they became trapped, and the origin of the timer. The timer that once counted down Unus Annus, wasn't satisfied with the end. It took it upon itself to restart the clock and take down Unus Annus the way it wanted to. Unus Annus only had one goal and never meant to hurt anyone. The timer also had one goal, but it didn't care if anyone got hurt. The reason  that of all people,  you were chosen, was that they knew you watched every video. They knew the life and hardships you had with the channel. Most importantly, it knew that you would protect it if something confronted it. It was as if you were the chosen one.

     That night, you were able to sleep fine. Having talked with Unus Annus, you were able to understand it wasn't haunting you. You could still hear faint ticks throughout the day & night, but at least there weren't any strange events happening. So you thought. You woke up the next morning, and the ticking was persistent. You checked the closet,  but nothing was there. You decided to go for a walk as you couldn't find Unus or Annus. Proceeding out the door it was a warm morning , and no one was outside. Walking along the sidewalk felt like any other day. You started looking around and kept seeing black and white shadows, as if Unus Annus was following you. All of a sudden, the ticking grew louder. The timer was near and it seemed as if it might be on the hunt for Unus & Annus. It grew even louder. You hadn't seen a timer, just heard one. Is the timer an entity like Unus Annus and if so, would it be after you? You ran back home as fast as you could and it was a good thing you did.

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