Chapter 22.

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They both were laying on the bed. Taehyung has jungkook in his arms. His head was resting on the elder's chest while their body was entangled together.
Jeongguk was feeling a different kind of emotion. Though he was not awake but still in his sleepy brain, he was feeling it.

Relax, satisfaction!

His fever was gone but the pain his body was feeling was still there. But he was liking it. Coz his Taehyung was there with him. Securing him, giving him the warmth, the attention he needed. That was lessening his pain, that too without him knowing.

His back hurted a bit when he lifted his hand to tighten the grip around his boyfriend who was sleeping soundless. He frowned and slowly opens his eyes. Which got to see the most handsome face of his lover as the first thing. He smiled, the pain on his back long forgotten.

It was always like this after Taehyung came in his life. Seeing his face, smiling at him, it makes his day easier and more beautiful.
He tried to move again as he felt numbness on his left side because of laying in a same position for a long time. Slowly he turned around and closed his eyes coz of the pain. A moan of pain left his mouth silently.
His back was facing taehyung but then a smile crept on his face when he felt Taehyung's nose was rubbing on his nape and a hand on his waist while a leg on his leg.

Taehyung sure was a cuddly person.

Opening his eyes, he observes the room which was unfamiliar yet beautiful. The cozy, home like feeling and it made him smile. He saw a frame on the bedside table. A line creates between his brows as he observes the picture.

The person in the picture was the same person who saved him yesterday and brought him his home.
But this picture was somehow looking a bit familiar to him.
He doesn't know if he should submerged his mind with this thing that the person does look a bit familiar to him or he should just let it go.

Coz it happens sometimes, so it's not a big deal. His back started to hurt more as he hissed a bit loudly which caused his boyfriend to wake instantly.
Though he felt guilty that he woke him up but a relief took over his features when taehyung hand started to caressed his back. While soft feathery kisses were landing on his nape.

Taehyung surely knows what his baby want.

"are you feeling good now baby?" in his deep raspy voice he mumbled on his nape. Which caused him goosebumps. Jungkook just nodded, too tired to voice out his thoughts.

"you want eat something?" he again asked. Showing his concern, his hand was continually massaging his back, making him to let out some moans in relief.

"no, just feeling tired." he answered. Laying on his stomach, closing his eyes again. Feeling the sleep was again gazing his eyes. He just forgot everything for sometime, only focused on the massage on his back and the welcoming the sleep.

Taehyung on the other hand was got worried. The way jungkook was groaning in pain it made his heart hurt. Maybe he spend too much time in the rain.

He just want to make everything good, just like before but he was only thinking not doing anything.
Jungkook was unconscious in his sleep and he was giving the best massage he could give on his back.

And it sure worked as he heard the soft snores of the younger.

He made his way to living room where everyone was sitting watching some movie on the TV. He raised his brows at them, they were so calm like they were waiting for him to finally woke up.

"is jungkook up?" Jimin asked. Moving his hand away from yoongi's who was caressing it.

"um_he was but he is sleeping again. His back is hurting and I - I don't know what to do, only gave him some massage." he murmured.

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