Chapter 11.

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The whole cafeteria was filled with students chatting each other while eating. Everyone was doing their work like some were eating, some were talking so some were playing or jumping here and there.

Jimin and yoongi were eating while talking. They both were alone because their best friend were not with them.

Jungkook was hiding, from whom? Taehyung ofcourse. Since morning, he was avoiding Taehyung as much as he can,because he was shy.

Taehyung was also not with them because he was busy in finding his baby. He was also a lil bit furious because c'mon man, he is Boyfriend now and he was hiding from him.


He was searching for the younger in whole school. In classes, in washrooms , in the play garden, cafeteria literally everywhere but younger was no where to be found.

He was getting impatient, he wants to kiss his baby  wants to hold him in his arms. After proposing the younger, he never got the chance to kiss him and  hold him or touch him.

He was bitting his lips while his eyes were searching a certain someone, who is so close to his heart.

On tye other hand, jungkook was hiding behind a wall in roof top. He was nervous to meet the elder. At first, he was excited but as time being he was getting nervous and shying over him.

He was huffing a little and looking around making sure the elder was not near him. As he was relaxing a little the roof top door opened with force.

The younger widened his eyes and his heart was beating fast.

He was looking at his right, when a sudden voice startled him.

" what do you think you are doing bunny baby?"

Taehyung had a strange feeling that the younger would be in rooftop. He hurried his footsteps and opened the door with force.

He went behind a wall in search for his bunny and there..
He was there hiding and looking at the other side.

The younger jumped hearing the sudden deep voice, which is so familiar to him.

He looks at him and was about to run again but Taehyung caught him by his wrist.

"stop there, or I won't go easy baby."

The younger stopped on his track and wide his eyes,he gulped and then looked down.

The elder went close to him and held his chin and made him look at him.
He then roomed his eyes over his pretty face and close the gap between them. He kissed him hard.
Junkook's eyes got wide, this.. This is what he was hiding and was nervous.
But at the same time he was feeling content, he close his eyes and was about to kiss back but the elder moved away.

He then hold him by his waist tightly and his left hand hold jungkook right hand above his head. The younger's left hand was holding the elder's jacket tightly.

"why are you hiding from me hmm? You know that I don't like this baby. I wanted to see you so badly in the morning but you didn't wait for me and now you are doing this hmm? You want to get punished baby?"

The elder rasped in his ear slowly and bit his earlobe and then licked his ear.
Chills ran down younger spine and he started breathing heavily.

Taehyung then again kissed him, so hard. The frustration he was feeling since morning he was letting it out.
The urgency to kiss the younger and hold him was now coming out.

He sucked his pink lips and trace his tongue over younger's lips to move his tongue in younger's mouth.
But jungkook was naive for a reason as he didn't open his mouth, Taehyung then grabbed his butt and squeeze them and the younger gasped and he poked his tongue in.

A shiver ran down the younger as their tongue touched each other. Taehyung pulled jungkook in to him as much as possible while his grip on his hand and waist got more tight. The younger stood on his tip toes to match the rhythm of their heated kiss.

Jungkook liked it, he isfucking liking it, the kiss was so intimate as they both were loosing their senses. The younger's grip on elder jacket get loose and he moved his hand on Taehyung's hair, he caressed his hair and was kissing him back with eyes closed.

"Don't do this again baby, I won't tolerate such behaviour okay? Remember you are Mine! So don't hide from me again,okay?"

Taehyung broke the kiss and looked at the younger's pretty face, his eyes holds galaxy in them and Taehyung loves to see his face and eyes. He caressed his red cheeks and said in his usual deep voice.

The younger nodded his head and bit his lips, looking down. His heart fluttered after hearing those words. Every time when elder said You are Mine!, he couldn't help but blush and the butterflies in his stomach got awake. The elder again lift his chin and said..

"And from now on, You will come school with me. I will pick you up everyday okay?"

Jungkook again nodded his head as his voice was stuck in his throat.

"Now let's go to class baby, you already miss your lunch cause of your pretty dumbness"

Taehyung said and patted his cheeks while chuckling slowly at the younger who was blushing madly.
He then kissed his forehead and held his hand made their way to their classes.

Yoongi and jimin finished their lunch and now they are waiting for their besties. They were standing in front of jimin's class waiting. Yoongi was standing too close to jimin and put his one hand on the younger's shoulder.

Jimin blushed shyly and looked down. He was confused that why he was blushing like they were talking and knowing each other from long time and never he felt like this but now,
this close proximity of the elder made him blush.

Taehyung took jungkook to his class as his backpack was in the class and the Red roses he brought for his baby are in his backpack.

The class was empty and he made the younger sit down on his chair,while he took the roses out of the bag and held in front of jungkook.

Jungkook was looking at him and then Roses while his eyes were wide. He then smiled brightly at the elder and took the roses while his bunny like tooth were peeking out.

Taehyung smile at him with his heart eyes and then peck his lips and caressed his cheek and head.

"Do you like them baby?"

He asked and flick younger's chin still smiling.

"I love them hyung. They are my favourite."

Jungkook says while smiling and then sniff the roses.

"I know, now go to your class baby and don't go home without meeting me."

The younger again nodded his head and came out of the class.

"where were you, you lil idiot nochu?"

As he entered in his own class his best friend bombed him with his question.

He then told his friend everything and his friend was scolding him.

Jungkook was pouting and then laughed at his bestie.

Hey guys..

I know this chapter is not worth your waiting but I promise next chapter will be a lil good.

Till then enjoy it and vote for it.


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