025. what's wrong, love?

693 46 136

friday, november 23rd

it's been a week since you and chifuyu had cleared the air. it was all sunshine and rainbows for you two for the past week—except for the fact that you and chifuyu hadn't gone on a 'official' date yet. you've both hung out a ton since last friday, but chifuyu called them 'little hangouts'. you didn't mind asking him out on the date, however you wanted to make sure he was ready for the 'relationship' aspect of things. you didn't want to overwhelm him.

chifuyu on the other hand, has been mustering up the courage to ask you out. baji called him a coward for backing out every single time. you've noticed his hesitance every once and a while, but it would instantly disappear when he spoke about something completely unrelated to what he wanted to say. he'd deflate and chirp something like, "nevermind, n/n! i forgot what i was goin' to ask ya!"

sadly, you were a little oblivious to the fact that chifuyu has been trying to ask you out on a date for the past couple of days. to be fair you were both pretty dumb and had never been in a situation like this.

kazutora deadpanned at you two. he is definitely not getting involved with your relationships anymore. he'll let you two figure this out by yourselves.

you met kazutora's intense gaze—which was literally drilling holes to the back of your head. kazutora immediately rolled his eyes at you and walked off to the back room.

you scoffed at his behaviour. it wasn't unusual for kazutora to act rather questionable—you were used to it at this point. you were about to return  to the counter as you normally would until you felt the sudden warmth of a feathery touch rest on your shoulder. the sudden sensation caused you to jolt in suprise.

a light chuckle escaped chifuyu's lips as your gaze met his. chifuyu finds it adorable that you get startled over almost everything. you furrowed your eyebrows at him and pushed his chin off your shoulder.

you shot him a child-like pout before strutting off towards your spot, your hands brushing with his for a slight moment.

chifuyu hid a smile against his lips. he couldn't believe how giddy you made him feel. it was like a rush of serotonin. you manage to fluster him way too easily for his own good.

friday, november 23rd
📍the streets of tokyo

kazutora glared at you with squinted eyes. this was the 5th time this week that you've asked him to close up for you. secretly, he's glad that you've found someone who will genuinely love you with all their heart. before you two left, chifuyu caught jiyuu's eyes. well, it was kind of hard not to when she was drilling holes to the back of his head. something she and kazutora had in common.

jiyuu sent him a sly grin, "good luck!"

chifuyu blinked. all he felt was confusion until his eyes caught sight of kazutora's slightly amused smirk. "i—hey! kazutora-kun you traitor! you said you wouldn't tell anyone!"

kazutora just laughed.

you turned to chifuyu as you left the shop, "what's that about?"

chifuyu waved you off, a soft smile on his face. "nothing, nothing. kazutora-kun was just bein' annoying as usual."

you two walked in comfortable silence, your hands brushing against one other every now and then. that is, until chifuyu grabbed your hand and brought both of you to a halt.

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