07. training 101

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tuesday, october 16th

it's late. well—not exactly. the both of you managed to arrive at the shop four minutes late, which isn't too bad.

with a sigh, chifuyu runs his fingers through his dark locks, "here we go," he muttered.

chifuyu knows baji. despite being his friend, he knows baji will give him hell for coming late. jokingly or not—chifuyu does not want to deal with it.

you weren't exactly scared of baji. he was intimidating yeah, but you've known him for years, he won't hold it against you for coming late. besides, it's not a big deal, you're not sure why chifuyu looks scared. baji himself shows up late. baji's pretty much a hypocrite.

"y'know, baji won't really care that we're late," you scoff, opening the door for him.

chifuyu scrunched his nose, "well yeah, he's never on time either. but he's going to be a shit about us being a couple minutes late!"

you laughed at his expression before following him in, "i guess you're right."

the two of you were met with baji's glare once you settled in the shop.

placing down jiyuu's bubble tea, kazutora's snacks and some steam buns for everyone, you turned to face baji with a smile, "what's up, kei?"

"don't what's up me! 4 minutes late! did you two hangout without me?! chifuyu, are you trying to steal y/n from me or something—ooh is that peyoung soba?"

you blinked, completely unphased by baji's sudden change of tone. chifuyu on the other hand looked absolutely flabbergasted.

baji grabbed the bag that chifuyu was holding and offered to share half of it with him. chifuyu agreed, unable to go against baji's dumb commands.

baji was more unhappy about you two hanging out without him than he was about being late, which was pretty amusing.

you rolled your eyes at them before walking off towards kazutora, slinging your arm around his shoulder.

kazutora looked at you, "why were you two together?" he asks.

you shrugged, "i saw him on campus and decided 'hey, let's get to know him, he is kei and tora's friend after all!' then, we ended up stopping by the corner shop to get food for you guys."

chifuyu walked over to you and kazutora since jiyuu called baji over to help explain things to erika.

"did you get me any snacks?" kazutora grins, a smile dancing on his lips.

you rolled your eyes, pushing him away, "yes i did. chifuyu was the one who told me what you liked from the shop."

chifuyu rubbed the nape of his neck, "you told me awhile ago and i just happened to remember it."

kazutora smiled, ruffling chifuyu's hair. you laughed at their interaction. chifuyu's hair was a mess.

"kazutora-kun!" chifuyu whined as kazutora walked off to grab the said snack like nothing happened.

chifuyu huffs as he pats down his hair. you couldn't help but giggle at the state of his hair—it looked like a birds nest. with his snack in hand, kazutora strolled back to you two, a playful smile on his face directed towards chifuyu.

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