014. sticky notes

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monday, october 29th

your senses were soothed by the coffee shop's aroma, which also helped to relieve your tense muscles, washing away any stress you had that day. the shop willed you to relax and gave you motivation to stay awake and work away—much like how coffee keeps you up during those stressful evenings when you have a tremendous amount of work to get done. you had to have coffee in your daily regimen or you probably would have failed all of those classes. the atmosphere of the shop and all the soft neutral tones brought a smile to your face.

oh, and coffee, of course. coffee never fails to bring a smile on your face.

you could hear the constant beeping and brewing of the coffee machines at work as you sat down at a vacant table for two.

chifuyu invited you to hang out at the café near campus to do some planning for baji's birthday. it was your idea to do something for keisuke's birthday, but chifuyu was the one who agreed to help you with the planning while jiyuu, kazutora and erika decorated the place under your instructions.

you knew he'd be a couple minutes late since his professor sometimes forgets to dismiss them at the exact time, you didnt mind though.

you started to set up some of your stuff and decided to jot down some notes and finish your homework from your previous class.

"y/n?" a voice belonging to a certain ravenette called out from infront of you. you snapped away from your notebook and met his eyes.

"chifuyu!" you smiled, spinning your pen inbetween your fingers. "glad you could make it!" you joked.

the boy rolled his eyes before sitting himself on the seat opposite of you. "i mean i did invite you." he retorted.

you chuckled, placing your notes to the side, "well you were exactly," you looked down at your bare wrists, pretending to look at a watch. "6 minutes late."

chifuyu laughed at your antics before reaching over the table to ruffle your hair, "well i'm sorry that my professor decided to start talking about his trip to france,"

your eyes lit up, "je peux parler un peu de français," you said, pinching your index and thumb together to emphasize what you meant.

chifuyu took a double take and stared at you in shock, "whoa! you can speak french?!" he exclaimed, eyes widening in excitement.

it was cute how he found the little things about you cool.

chifuyu grinned at you, "you should teach me sometime!"

you never fail to suprise him. you were a pretty fascinating person if he says so himself. chifuyu admires you a lot.

you waved him off, "i learned some french back in middle school. i don't remember much anymore."

he paused for a moment before speaking, "oui oui, le fromage et le spaghetti!"

the two of you looked at eachother for a moment before bursting out into fits of laughter.

"okay, we should get planning for keisuke's birthday now, yeah?" you asked, wiping a tear from your eye.

chifuyu laughed, clutching his stomach as he reached for his back pack, "of course! let me just grab my stuff."

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