011. party crashers

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saturday, october 20th
📍your shared apartment

friendship is one of the most valuable relationship a person can have in their lives. you cherished your friends. a lot.

except for right now. you certainly did not cherish them at this very moment.

chifuyu was currently attempting to get your phone from you. he's been trying to delete the embarrassing photos you've taken of him, but he's clearly failing since one of them has been made your lock screen.

unfortunately for both of you, jiyuu has returned home, along with baji and kazutora. erika was dragged along as well.

"sorry for the intrusion," erika says as she enters your apartment, eyes landing on the two of you, who were on the floor pushing eachother away. well, you were pushing chifuyu away.

"fuck off! i'm keeping this!" you laughed as he flushes red at the lockscreen.

"you shithead! i look stupid!" chifuyu complains, grabbing the phone.

"when do you not?" you retort, snatching the phone away from an exhasperated chifuyu.

baji observes that both of you are unaware of their presence. he clears his throat, "are we interrupting your supposed to be study date? the fuck happened to studying, anyway?"

"doesn't look like studying to me," kazutora added, unhelpfully.

the two of you stopped to look at the group, and quickly sat back up.

"we were studying!"

"it's not a date!"

you wanted to bash their heads open. they always have a way to humiliate you. it's like their part- time job.

jiyuu laughs at your flushed cheeks, "what are you two even doing?"

chifuyu points at the table, "accounting with
y/n's neat ass notes."

well, it wasn't completely a lie. you two stopped studying 10 minutes ago, though.

jiyuu raised a brow, "since when was fighting over a phone studying?" the raven-haired girl asked.

you grinned at her while chifuyu slowly dies from embarrassment, "i'm glad you asked! look at my lock screen!" you exclaimed, showing them your new lockscreen.

they were met with you, holding up a peace sign and chifuyu's stuffed cheeks from eating.

baji laughed loudly, "he does look stupid! send me that, i'ma use it for black mail!" he says, grabbing your phone to air drop it to himself.

kazutora and erika looked over baji's shoulder to get a better look of the picture. erika covered her mouth, attempting to stifle her laughter.

kazutora didn't try to hide his amusement at all, he immediately bursted out laughing, leading erika to laugh as well.

jiyuu smiled, watching as the group made fun of poor chifuyu.

chifuyu poked your side, covering his face, "i hate you so much."

you moved away from him with a grin, "no you don't! do you want the picture too?" you asked, ruffling the boy's hair.

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