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monday, october 22nd
📍ice cream parlour

you tapped your right foot on the pavement, leaning your head back to admire the weather while it lasts. it'll be winter soon, so you wanted to make most of the some-what sunny weather.

your eyes dart to the door, a smile itching its way onto your face as chifuyu comes out with two ice cream cones in hand. he told you to wait for him on one of the pic-nic tables while he buys the ice creams. you tried your best to reason that you can pay for your own food but chifuyu was quite set on paying for the both of you.

kazutora and jiyuu were walking along the streets, making their way to who knows where. jiyuu immediately spotted you sitting alone on one of the pic-nic tables. she was about to call out to you when kazutora covered her mouth, telling her to be quiet while pointing to a familiar figure. jiyuu's gaze followed to the area kazutora was pointing at, eyes widening in the slightest.

the raven-haired girl flushed and slapped kazutora's hand away, causing the boy to mutter a quiet "ouch!".

jiyuu shot him a pointed look and recomposed herself.

"is that...chifuyu?" jiyuu whispers as she and kazutora stand across the street, watching as chifuyu handed you your ice cream with a huge smile on his face.

kazutora squints and gestures jiyuu to follow him, "the one and only. c'mon!"

the two employees crossed the street, nearing the two of you. close enough for them to take some blackmail pictures against the both of you, but not too close that you and chifuyu can see them.

they weren't spying, no. kazutora and jiyuu were simply curious to what their two friends might be up to. besides, good blackmail was sitting right infront of them. who were they to back away from such a great opportunity?

"thanks, chi!" you grinned, taking the ice cream from him.

"i don't get how you can eat that," he laughs, shaking his head as you joyfully consumed your ice cream.

you shot him an offended look, "you've never even tried it!" you exclaimed, lifting the ice cream to his face, "here."

he flushes a bright red, "huh?"

you cocked your head to the side, "try it! i'm not going to let you indirectly say that my ice cream is shit when you haven't actually tried it yet!"

chifuyu hesitates for a moment before taking a lick of your ice cream.

he taps his chin for a moment before smiling, "it's not that bad. mine's still better, though!"

the two of you bickered childishly about whose ice cream was better and laughed.

jiyuu whips out her phone, "what the fuck! they're having an indirect kiss right now, kazu!" she yells, a little too loudly.

kazutora poked her cheeks, "you're being too loud, ji. they're gonna hear you."

jiyuu lightly shoved him, causing him to jab her side.

you stood up next to chifuyu and took a bite from his cone, which lead to chifuyu laughing at you because you got some ice cream on your face, how cliché.

chifuyu took some napkins from his pocket and was about to wipe it off when jiyuu and kazutora decided to make their grand entrance.

they both shot you two a cheeky smile, "what're you two up to?" jiyuu asks.

"eh? jiyuu, kazutora? when did you two get here? what are you two even doing?" you questioned, turning around to face the two.

kazutora choked on his laughter, "y-you have a little something on your face—pfft!"

you turned a light shade of red and immediately took the tissues from chifuyu's hands and wiped your face yourself.

chifuyu snorts, "it's still there, give me the napkin, dumbass."

kazutora and jiyuu glanced at eachother, a sly smile making its way onto their lips as they watched chifuyu gingerly wipe your face.

his hands were soft, you noted.

in all honesty, it does look like a date in other people's eyes, but to you? it felt like a regular hang-out...sort of. you couldn't explain how you felt about this situation; it felt natural.

"ohoho, were you two on a date? did we interrupt it by any chance?" kazutora teased, nudging your side with a stupid smile plastered on his face.

you cheeks flushed, "tora, shut up!" you hissed, poking his chest, "you and jiyuu didn't even answer my question! what were you two up to, huh?!"

jiyuu giggled at your expression, you were obviously embarrassed. she gave you a pat on the head, a soft smile on her lips, "we were just hanging out."

it wasn't a total lie. they were hanging out.

"to where?" chifuyu inquired, his voice tinged with a sense of curiosity. it's not that he's never seen the two interact, he just found their sudden appearance quite odd.

that question caught them both off guard.


"we were heading to the shop for work!"

how great liars your friends are. you've grown to understand when or why they would lie over the years—in this case kazutora and jiyuu were probably just embarrassed to admit what they were actually up to. probably something stupid.

just to be even you shot them both a grin, "oh? i don't remember scheduling a shift for you two until tomorrow evening."

chifuyu laughed as he watched the two stammer incomprehensible phrases. you knew exactly how to shut them up.

the four of you conversed for a while before jiyuu and kazutora left to return to campus. you waved them off as they walked back.

chifuyu tilts his head to you, "don't you need to head back, too?"

you gave him a close eyed smile, "nope! that was my last class for today. if you want, we can still hang out."

chifuyu was glad you wanted to hang out with him. he would've definitely asked you himself if he knew you were free, "yeah, of course! where to?"

you remembered your previous conversation with chifuyu, about how he liked to read mangas t'ill the crack of dawn. you've been wanting to get yourself a new book as well, so why not go to a bookstore?

you pointed down the road, to a small bookshop that you and baji discovered back in middle school, "there's a bookshop just over there, you said you liked mangas, right? recommend me some!"

if chifuyu wasn't smiling before, he definitely was now. (he was smiling before, infact he was probably smiling for the whole time you two were hanging out.)

"alright, let's go! i have a whole list to recommend to you!" chifuyu chirps, ruffling your hair.

despite it being a simple hang out, it's been the most fun you had in a while.

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