03. sugar cookies

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thursday, october 11th
📍baji's apartment 

your keys jingled as you walked into the familiar complex. you yawned tiredly as you strolled up to baji's floor, exhausted from working on all of the assignments the teachers had given out. you found baji's door with ease and used the spare keys he had given you a few years ago to unlock it.

you entered his house, greeting his mom and jiyuu who were baking together in the kitchen.

"hey, y/n! haven't seen you in awhile, do you want to bake with us?" baji's mom chirped, a warm smile visible on her face.

you bowed politely, "hello, baji-san! it's nice to see you too. i would love to help, but i need to send out some emails—maybe later!"

she chuckled, squishing your cheeks. "don't overwork yourself!"

you laughed as you batted her hands away. she flashed you a knowing look before returning to her task of measuring ingredients.

you walked over to jiyuu and took a small portion of the cookie dough and plopped it in your mouth.

"hey—! y/n! what the hell!" jiyuu exclaimed, swatting your hand away from grabbing any more batter.

you gave her a cheeky smile, "it tastes better like that!"

jiyuu pouted, "well yeah! but the amount of cookies will change now!"

you pinched her cheeks with a childlike grin. "baji-san is baking more, and i'll pitch in later to help make sugar cookies. i'm off to go bother kazu and kei with my suffering! bye-bye!"

jiyuu gaped at you as you skipped off to keisuke's room, his mom chuckling at your escapades.

when she saw you enter the room, she smiled and rolled her eyes, then returned to placing her cookie dough on the tray.

you closed the door behind you, immediately walking over to kazutora and baji, who were sitting on the floor talking.

"kazu, kei, please end my misery," you groan, collapsing dramatically into kazutora's arms. he catches you with ease, raising a brow as baji yelps in suprise, almost knocking over the juice he was holding.

"hello to you too?" kazutora chuckles, "what's wrong?"

"y/n, stop being a drama queen! you almost knocked over my juice with your stupid foot!" baji complains.

you gave him a pointed look before kicking him lightly, "shut up, i'll fire you."

you straighten your posture, kazutora helping you sit up beside him. "sorry, i'm just tired. the teachers gave us a shit ton of work and i forgot to send out a couple of emails! i even failed to send the acceptance email to one of our new employees! i sent it way too late, what if they don't show up on the 15th because they haven't gotten the email on time?"

they listened attentively to your rant, jiyuu coming in moments later while waiting for the cookies to bake in the oven.

"y/n, you could've asked us for some help with the emails and stuff, y'know?" jiyuu says, poking your side lightly causing you to flinch away from her.

baji nodded in agreement, "yeah y/n, you idiot! we could've opened and closed the shop for a bit until you finished your shit and got some rest."

baji shoved his juice in your hands, gesturing that you could drink some. you gladly took a sip.

kazutora hummed and flicked your forehead, "i mean we're here for a reason, y/n. if you need help just ask."

your eyes soften at them, you honestly didn't know what to say. you could never express how much you appreciated them. you decided that you'll make them some of their favourite sugar cookies later as a "thank you".

your cheeks slowly started warming up as they stared, "s-shut up, stop staring." you muttered as you covered your face with your free hand.

they knew you meant well, you don't usually rant to them, and when you do they know that you appreciate the comfort and reassurance. you'd do the same for them if they ever needeed any help.

baji cracked a grin.

"aw look at that! stupid wittle drama queen y/n gettin' all embarrassed!" he teased causing you to huff and burry your red face into jiyuu's shoulder.

jiyuu snorted before joining in, "poor wittle y/n!"

you laughed before shoving jiyuu away, "i hate both of you, this is why tora's the favourite."

kazutora gave you a teasing grin, "oh? wittle y/n is playing favourites?"

you deadpanned as they laughed at kazutora's sudden teasing.

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry! i'm joking!" kazutora yelps as you pinch his cheeks.

you rolled your eyes with a smile as you let go.

you got up and made your way to the door, "let's go turn on a movie while i make some sugar cookies, yeah?"

baji's eyes lit up before he got up and followed you out the door.

"can i help decorate the cookies?" kazutora asks as he catches up to you two.

"ooh, ooh! me too! besides, you ate my cookie dough so atleast let me help decorate!" jiyuu chirps as she sat herself on the kitchen counter, swinging her legs childishly.

baji's mom heard you four enter the kitchen and walked in with a smile, "you guys decided to bake some of y/n's famous sugar cookies?" she questions, a smile dancing on her lips.

kazutora nodded with a chuckle as he helped you gather the ingrediants.

"alright! call me if you need anything. oh, and please don't make a huge mess like last time." she begged, desperate to keep her kitchen clean—which probably won't happen.

"jiyuu, i took your cookies out of the oven, they're on the stove cooling," she adds before taking her leave.

keisuke immediately ran off to eat some, almost burning his tongue in the process. he fanned his mouth as if it would help cool the cookies down.

you laughed at him before picking up a cookie; unlike baji, you blew it a few times before eating it so it wouldn't burn your tongue.

you grinned at him before walking off to help kazutora and jiyuu set up all the ingrediants.

"do you guys all just want to make cookies or should we watch a movie while making them?" you asked as you poured 3 cups of all-purposed flour into the mixing bowl.

jiyuu handed you the sugar, "i think we should just make cookies and play music in the background."

baji's ears perked up, "can we use my playlist?"

kazutora shurgged in response, "sure, why not?"

you gave them a soft smile. "it's settled then!"

the four of you spent the night laughing and dancing to the music, and unfortunately cleaning the huge mess that baji and kazutora accidentally made in the process—which baji's mom wasn't too happy about.

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