01. broken locks

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monday, october 8th
📍managerial economics class

the sight of tokyo in the early afternoon had become so familiar to you, yet it still felt so ethereal, as if you had entered a whole different reality. it was hectic at times, and perhaps even suffocating; but you found it oddly comforting.

no matter where you were in tokyo, you always found the views breathtaking.

the city holds a tremendous amount of fascination. the bustling crowds, the beautiful architecture, the mild aromas of various foods coming from different cafes—you were still mesmerized by it all.

you looked away from the window and went back to scribbling down the last of your notes. the amount of notes you had to jot down was causing your hand to cramp. you sat your pen down onto the table and cracked your knuckles. you were ready to resume listening to the lecture again until a series of buzzes erupted from your bag.

see, you'd be estatic if you got a phone call at any other time than right now.

your breath hitched as you looked around to see if anyone could hear the silent buzzes of your phone. disrupting class would be a horrible thing to be put on your record.

you glared down at your bag which was buzzing non-stop, who could be calling you during class? do they want you to get kicked out? an irritated sigh left your lips as you turned your attention back to class, trying your best to ignore the quiet buzzes of your phone.

monday, october 8th

once class ended, you were more than ready to bolt out of there. you immediately searched your bag for your phone and took it out.

in coming call from PAWS...

you rose a brow at the screen before accepting the sudden call. you weren't exactly sure why or who was calling from the work phone, but you were hoping that they had a real good reason.

given that kazutora was the one who normally uses that phone, you assumed that it was him calling.

"tora? why were you calling me, you know i have classes at that time."

there was a loud yelp coming from the other end causing you to almost drop your phone. you patiently waited for his response as you strolled down the bustling hallway.

"it's not tora you idiot! i need help—what the fuck! shoo! can you come to the shop?"

you rolled your eyes, "oh? is the baji keisuke asking for my help? shocking." you heard a loud "shuddup!" and let out a small laugh.

"isn't kazutora there? he has a shift scheduled for today."

baji groaned, "tora isn't here! he left me! and—oi! get back here!"

you left the main entrance of the college, thanking the guy who had held the door open for you, and returned to your conversation with keisuke.

"and why is that? does he want to get fired?" you jokingly said.

baji flinched from the other line at the sudden change of tone. sometimes even he can't tell if you're joking or not.

paws . matsuno chifuyuWhere stories live. Discover now