Among all the Hwang family, only Jinsu's parents looked after my mom and me.

My uncle, unlike my father, took the time to look for me. He said he couldn't leave a nephew out just because his brother was a stupid youngster that liked women way too much. So, he always came to visit me when I was too little. He is a great, although strict, man.

Her wife, my aunt, was friends with my mom. They were quite close and shared the same way of thinking.

I think they are crazy on the same level, but sometimes I think my mom could win.

Anyway, the family soon started to grow, and each of their businesses as well.

My uncle and aunt started to travel out of the country regularly, something that made us apart.

They had a daughter of my age, Jinsu. They couldn't take her with them, so they entrusted her to us more than one time until Jinsu was old enough to take care of herself.

When Jinsu came to my house, she and I used to play a lot. We were kids, and that is the only thing we liked to do.

As we were growing up and she didn't come home so often, our bond broke. We were not on bad terms, but we kind of had the same problems with our families.

Her parents were strict with her as much as my mother was with me. But on a different level. Jinsu was freer than me. She had the freedom of choosing whatever she wanted to do. Something I had not.

We had to complete the tasks they commanded us just to fit into society and have a good status when we became older.

It was rare, the time when Jinsu and I met to talk. We didn't know anything personal about each other. However, that never interfered in having a good conversation whenever our paths crossed.

She is very nice and has a calm voice. Jinsu is a good and lovely person.

Among my other cousins, she is my favorite one. In fact, the only one I appreciate. Jinsu is humble even though her family is the most powerful among the Hwang's family.

Jinsu has never cared about any of that, same as me. That is why we always ignored our parents when they talked about social status, money, and all of that. We just went away in those boring meetings and judged them secretly. We always gossiped about our family and even laughed when they started to brag about material things.

Who bought this, who bought that. Who had this, who had that....etc.

It's been a while since we have done that. After high school and college, our attention was focused on our studies and other personal likes.

Some months ago, Jinsu started to talk to me by phone. She was insisting on meeting us to talk properly, but since I was busy looking for a certain person, I did not have the time to comply with her request.

That is why she had been calling me.

Fortunately, this midnight I'm going back to Seoul.

Just now, I called her to tell her that she can go to my house tomorrow to talk.

She seemed so happy, and that worried me.

Jinsu is so talkative when it comes to expressing her feelings. I can almost see myself being dragged away into her rant.



The next day, as expected, Jinsu came to my house in the morning.

I told her to come a little bit late because I needed to rest from the trip, but she just ignored me.

She is just as impatient as I am.

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