Chapter XXVII: Operation: Extravaganza

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A/N: But first, a third POV action.

"Where are we?" Rhett asked.

"At sea, we're heading for the island." Chase replied.

"Billy must've hit you hard that you had a concussion." Alfred said.

"Where's William?" Rhett asked again.

"He's... He's dead mate by the captain's hand."

Rhett kept his anger in toll. "My anger wouldn't bring him back to life wouldn't it?"

"No mate, we should focus on what's ahead of us." Chase said.

As they sailed for the island, Billy has gathered all of the men on the top deck to discuss of a plan to take down that Spanish Treasure Galleon.

"Here's our plan lads, we'll act as a merchant ship that's being hoarded by the brig, then when that Galleon sees us, Alfred, you and the others sail away to the starboard side and let the ship chase you, savvy?"

"Aye captain." Alfred responded.

"While we negotiate with the men of that Galleon to chase the brig just keep sailing starboard until we signal you to turn back and fire." Billy added.

"LAND HO!!!" A crewmate shouted from above.

"This is it, in your positions."

Alfred boarded the brig and waited for orders, Billy on the other hand ordered the men to tie them up so the plan would be fool-proof. They waited for the Galleon to appear until a man shouted "SAILS!!!" from above the masts."

"Is that the Galleon?" Billy asked.

"Aye sir there she is." Alfred replied.

They were shocked to see its size. "Look at the size of her she's a beast!"


"NOW NOW! I know you're questioning my decision of taking down this Galleon but fear not! I know that we'll defeat her and take her treasures!!!" Billy assured to his crew.

"You should've trusted William, instead of leaving him for dead in the island." Rhett said.

Billy only gave a sigh and ordered Alfred to raise the black flag then sail away from the ship, The Spanish Ship slowly approaches them.

"¿Están bien, muchachos? ¿Qué ha pasado aquí?" A Spanish soldier said.

"What did he say?" Billy wondered.

"Does anyone speak Spanish?" Chase asked.

"A bit sir." A crewmate replied.

"What did he say mate?"

"He asks if we're alright."

"Tell them we're fine but those pirates stole our goods and sailed away in that direction." Billy ordered.

"Uh estamos bien amable señor pero nuestros bienes fueron robados por esos piratas y navegaron en esa dirección." The crewmate said to the soldier.

"¿Qué diablos ha ocurrido aquí?" The captain asked.

"Dijeron que su bien fue robado por esos piratas buenos para nada y navegaron que lejos." The soldier replied.

"Díganles que están atrapando a los piratas que robaron su mercancía y pónganlos bajo custodia."

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