Chapter XXVI: Under New Management

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Present Time

"You were ambushed by a ship and its captain that almost killed my brother?" She wondered.

"Yes, and do you remember Ben?" I asked

She had a shock. "Blossom?"

: Traumatic Flashback

"Hey I just want to talk to you..."

"Please leave me alone!"

"I'll leave you alone after...


"Be my slave, I'll give you riches and a whole lot of attention..."

: End of flashback

"Blossom? Are you okay?" I asked

"So you're saying... the one who almost killed my brother, is the one who terrorized me?"

"I'm sorry for not making it in time." I said.

She slapped me. "WHY DID YOU TOOK SO LONG TO FIND ME?!?!" She exclaimed.

"It wasn't that easy to find you." I replied.

"Doesn't mean when I say don't come and find me, don't take it literally."

"Don't you care about me?" She shed a tear.

"Blossom... It's all in the past and I'm so sorry for what I've done."

"You couldn't understand the pain I've been through... in those times, I've always thought about ending my life."

"But I do under-"


I became speechless for a minute. "S-Should I just go back to the story?"

"P-Please do."


Backstory Time

: March 14, 2023

 Three months late, in the command of Captain Billy Garcia, the Black Pearl has changed her name to "La Silhouette" and her crew along with me has turned into piracy, capturing ships and taking her cargo for profit. Our earnings were sometimes good and sometimes not and looks to me that Billy isn't satisfied with the merchandise we captured and wanted more.

"Another dull capture." Billy said

"We've been hauling goods from other ships for three months already, avoiding privateers and other problems that come in our way." Alfred replied.

"Don't ye think it's already enough, we're getting decent pay out of this mate." Chase said.

"Shut your trap Chase, what we earn now isn't enough for a pirate I WANNA BE RICH!"

"Enough with the fucking rich talk captain, we should head back inland we're running out of rations." Rhett said.

Billy sighed. "You gotta learn how to respect your high-ranked officers Rhett, but aye we'll go to Nassau to sell what we hauled and hope for good profits."

We sailed for Nassau but the wind wasn't agreeing in our side so it took us four days to get to Nassau, while we were at sea, we encountered Henry and the others.

An 18-Year-Old Teen Who Became A Monstrous FiendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora