Chapter X: The Aftermath

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: June 29, 2024 5:50am

It looked like the sun was rising when I woke up but I felt a very soft and smooth sensation on the right side of my face.

"W-What's this? It's so soft and smooth that I love it." 

After sobering up, I realized I slept on the floor after drinking too much. Eventually I found out what pillow it was that I got shocked about it.

"B-B-BLO-BLOSSOM?!?!" I exclaimed.

She grabs my head and gently placed it back on her lap. "Good morning." She smiled.

"G-Good morning." I replied.

"Did you sleep well on my lap?" She chuckled.

"I-I remembered that I slept on the floor, without pillows."

She chuckles. "And I thought you don't even drink."

"Huh?" I looked at the bottle on my left hand. "Oh..."

"Apart from you drinking alcohol, I just want to say thank you." She said.

"F-For what?" I asked.

"For saving me dummy."

"Oh... did you saw all of that? The fighting I mean." 

"I did wake up in the middle of your fight, I saw you fight vigorously against Josh, Mark and Nat. When you're about to kill Josh you stopped yourself after you heard my name." She said.

"Weren't you afraid of me?" I asked.

"At first I was, but I then questioned myself. Are you really the William I knew? With all of that vigorous fighting you did last night I'm still shocked about it, seeing a different part of you made me shiver you know?"

"I... have a lot of secrets that's not supposed to be revealed." I explained.

"Well... if you could, would you reveal them to me?" She asked.

"I-I don't know, if it's possible, I would."

"If you're ready to talk about this to me I won't mind, you're still you. We all hide secrets and we tend to keep them for ourselves, whenever you're ready tell me okay?" She said while caressed my hair with her hands.

"No matter what people thinks or says about you don't mind them, they're probably jealous of who you are and what you can do. I like that you're just being you." She added.

"T-Thank you." I replied. "Also, you already saw me naked too." She said.

"I-I-I'M SO SORRY!!! I-I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" I exclaimed.

She laughs. "It's okay, I know you didn't mean to see me naked before."

"H-How are you so calm about this?" I asked.

"Hmm I don't know, I just feel calm about it." She replied.

"Can I get up now?"

"Don't you want to stay and enjoy this sensation?"

"Hmm, alright, maybe another twenty-five won't hurt." I said.

"I'm kidding, get off now my thighs are getting numb." She replied.

"Aww... okay." I felt regret after that, it was the first time I laid on someone's thighs. Anyway I got up as I tried to sober up from the alcohol I drank last night, I still feel dizzy from all of that rum but Blossom guided me to the bathroom to freshen up but I just threw up for another five minutes. After that she turned on the TV to watch the news.

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