15. The Plan

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Luz pov:

As I finnaly finish everything thru the story goldy gives me a glare... He didn't like it.

"just becuse i made a mean comment about your girlfriend dosent mean you can repeat the story!"

"Ok ok I'll start over!"

Suddenly a guard burst thru the door and throws a pebble ( a pebble is a small piece of rock/stone as in the ones you throw in lakes or at others) at me which I try to dodge 'oh right I'm in shackles and I can't even walk around the cell' as the pebble hits me the guard turns around "OW damn rude" he stops and looks back "stop talking about your girlfriend I've been infront of the cell for the past 9 hours and all you have done is talk I swear to god if you continue I will literal-" he gets hit in the knees by goldy "AHH MMM I hate you both" he rushes out the room and goldy sists back onto the bed.

"I didn't know the shackle on your leg is long enough for you to hit the guard"

"I'm surprised too to be honest"

"Good job goldy"

"Stop calling me that!"

"Than what should I call you?"

He stops for a second and rests his head on the bed "Hunter"
"well hunter I haven't slept in 9 hours and my legs are giving up on me if you whould be nice enough ot help me out of these so we can escape?"

"I HEARD THAT!" I hear the guard from outside say.

"DID I ASK?" they keep quiet after that "were was I?" hunter looks over "you want to escape the most secured fortress on the isles?!"

I look over at him "well yes but actuly no.... I want to steal the portal door then escape"

"You... Are... crazy!"

"Thanks for the compliment"

"That... You know what fu-" - "Stop that sentence right there we are keeping this swear word free"

"what do you.... Never mind"

Thats a lot of dialog....


Amity Pov:

I keep trying to cast the spell half asleep... "Mittens slow down we'll find your girlfriend" I want to yell at the twins so hard but I'm to tired for this.... I have to find Luz and I have to make sure she's alright.

"Boots get to bed you have been trying that spell all night it's almost 6 in the morning" the owl lady? Is that what the twins call her right?... Point is she calls out for me to get to bed but I can't "I REFUSE" I turn around to see her holding a cup whith the text #1 Criminal master mind drawn onto it whith whith crayons "Look boots I didn't have my morning coffee and im not having this discussion I Want Luz back but you can't cast that spell and I'm half asleep"

My legs are giving out on me and my arms are bearly up right whith the heavy metal mechanic staff im holding but 'the hope of finding luz fills me up whith DETERMINATION' - Game Saved -

Sorry I had to do that reference upperstory is my favorite game but Luz is more important right now.

I hold the staff up for the last time and think of what Luz whould do and quickly spin the staff which creates the spell circle just like I saw but the staff falls out of my hand which I quickly pick up and push it thru the spell circles and suddenly I can see a room... It looks just like the one from the castle but this time there's a door whith an eye and and right behind it on a huge foundation a circle... Looks like they are trying to replicate whatever the door is doing which is a mystery for now...

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