In the hall a'yuan and Yi Fei are doing the breakfast when Lan Zhan and Wei Ying enters the hall. A'yuan sees his baba and run towards him and pout before he said, "Baba, you promise to play with me but you never come".

Wei Wuxian take him in his arms and kiss his cheeks before he replies," I am so sorry my a'yuan but our talk goes so long and when I went to go to see you, you were already fast asleep so I let you. But don't worry we can play another day. "

Yi Fei sees that there is new person in the house and ask Wei Wuxian," gege, who is he?"

Wei Wuxian looks at Yi Fei and see that she is looking at Lan Wangji. He walks towards Yi Fei and said, "Yi Fei, he is Lan Zhan, I told you about him, remember?"

Yi Fei thinks about it, and when she suddenly remember and said, "the friend whose name you used to give yourself a New name?"

Wei Wuxian feels embarrassed and replies, "you don't have to go on this details, but yes that's the one!"

Then Yi Fei remember something and ask," wait a minute, what is he doing here. Did I miss something? "

Wei Wuxian," yes you did, but firstly tell me how are you feeling? "

Yi Fei," gege, I am fine now. It was just a cold . "

Wei Wuxian nodded and said," that's good to hear. And now to reply to your question, Lan Zhan knows who am I and not only him, my other friends, Nie Huaisang, Wen Ning and Wen Qing also knows my identity! "

Yi Fei," how? "

Wei Wuxian," I will tell you the details later but for now get ready we have to go to Lotus Pier".

Yi Fei," why? "

Wei Wuxian," Wen Qing told me that I have to atleast tell my identity to my close friends and family. And if I didn't tell so she will tell everyone about me, herself. "

Yi Fei," oh!, They will not do anything to you, right? "

Wei Wuxian," why did you ask that? "

Yi Fei," because we lied !"

Lan Wangji, "don't worry, nobody can touch Wei Ying and thank you to be there with Wei Ying when he had no one with him".

Yi Fei smiles and said, "it's my pleasure that I become a part of gege's family. Even when we are not blood related and he is not oblique to take care of me and my child but he still did. I am thankful to have a Big brother like gege".

Lan Wangji smiles and also tell relieved that the girl have no that of feelings for his Wei Ying.

Yi Fei sees the swollen lips and bite marks on both men necks and smirks before she asks, "so gege, is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Wei Wuxian looks confuse before he shakes his head and said, "no, nothing, why ask?"

Yi Fei , "no, just think maybe you want to tell me about you night with your friend".

Wei Wuxian's whole face becomes red and Lan Zhan's ears turn crimson red before Wei Wuxian shyly replies, "Yi Fei, Lan Zhan and I confess our feelings for each other!"

Yi Fei smiles and replies"finally!"

Wei Wuxian looks at her and asks,"you are not shocked?"

Yi Fei shakes her head and says,"gege, the day you told me about your true identity and tell me about Hanguang-jun, and how you used him name, I knew from that day that you have feelings for him but when it comes to love, you are truly a dumb person."

Wei Wuxian,"hey, I am not dumb. LAN ZHAN, tell her, I am not dumb".

Lan Wangji, " actually, she is right, you are dumb when it comes to love and your feeling for me".

Wei Wuxian pout and said," I am not talking to both of you, let's go a'yuan. We are leaving without them".

Before Wei Wuxian can take one step forward, Lan Wangji put him arms around Wei Wuxian's waist and pull him towards himself. Wei Wuxian's back hit Lan Wangji's front.

Wei Wuxian," what are you doing, we have a company! "

Lan Wangji," then, don't ever say you will leave me again".

Wei Wuxian sighs before replies," Lan Zhan, I was just kidding. I am not going anywhere. "

Lan Wangji," hm".

Yi Fei," ok. Ok. Love birds, give me 5 minutes, I go and get ready, until then you can have the breakfast, it's enough for both of you. Let's go a'yuan, we are going to meet ZiZhen today. "

Yi Fei leave with a'yuan leaving Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan alone to get ready. The couple had there breakfast without talking.

After some time later, Yi Fei came back with a'yuan and all 4 of them leave to Lotus Pier to tell them to truth about Wei Wuxian.

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